
cooper n.庫珀〔姓氏〕。


Do you happen to know mr . cooper s telephone number 你可知道庫柏先生的電話號碼?

That ' s right , cooper . - money back into the community 說得對,庫珀-用金錢回報社會

She ' s just not right today , mr . cooper . - yep 她今天有點不對,考博先生-嗯

Sad day , thinking about jimmy cooper , huh 遺憾的日子,在想jimmy ? cooper的事對嗎?

- she ' s just not right today , mr . cooper . - yep -她今天有點不對,考博先生-嗯

Cooper said they were going camping . - oh , that ' s nice 庫珀說他們去野營了-真不錯

Speciality : product structure : tinning cooper etc 產品構造:由鍍錫銅等成分構成。

Cooper : it ' s a beautiful house . it ' s a beautiful town 美麗的房子,美麗的小鎮

Some of cooper guys say , cooper means cooperation 庫柏人常感言庫柏就是合作。

The nobel prize in physics 1972 : leon neil cooper 諾貝爾物理學獎-萊昂尼爾庫泊

Do you happen to know mr . cooper ' s telephone number 你可知道庫柏先生的電話號碼?

- cooper , england ' s an island . - ok , swim . whatever -庫珀,英格蘭是個島-那就游泳嘛

I d like to make an appointment to see mr . cooper 我想約個時間去看庫柏先生。

But there is a giant julie cooper on the table 不過在桌上有個巨大的julie cooper

Cooper , england ' s an island . - ok , swim . whatever 庫珀,英格蘭是個島-那就游泳嘛

Would you please tell mr . cooper that i ' m here 請您告訴庫柏先生我在這里,好嗎?

Would you please tell mr . cooper that i ' m here 能不能請你告訴庫佩先生我來了?

Cooper , cooper , cooper . why must you be so tedious 考博,你為什么這么無聊呢?

I know w at it “ s like to fall for a cooper girl 我了解愛上cooper家的女孩的感受