
coop n.(養雞兔等的)籠[欄,小舍];〔英國〕捕魚籠;牢獄。...


Coop here . sorry 我是庫珀,對不起

Connie crouched in front of the last coop . the three chicks had run in 康妮蹲在最后的一個籠子面前,那三只小雞已經進去了。

Young cocks love no coops 小公雞不戀籠。

Mini - coop not so mini 小coop并不真的那么小

Coop , let “ s look over here Coop ,我們過去看看

There is a roost in a coop 雞圈里有一只大公雞

Rob any chicken coops lately 最近偷了雞沒有?

I ' m informing myself , coop 我在自我充實呢, coop

Coop , we know who i mean Coop ,你知道我說的是誰

Coop ? cooper , we ' re going to paris 庫珀?我們要去巴黎

Coop , did i miss something Coop ,我是不是錯過了什么?

So , too bad coop couldn ' t make it 太可惜了, coop不能來

I can ' t just go to berlin , coop 我不能就這樣去柏林,庫珀

Coop , exercising ? now that ' s funny Coop ,鍛煉?太搞笑了

Coop , the international conference on the design of cooperative systems 有關協作系統設計的國際會議。

Cohen , one more perky word about coop “ s not - so - mini - coop , Cohen ,再用coop身上的那個詞“并不那么小”

Two prisoners flew the coop last night 兩名犯人昨晚越獄了。

Um , zach , only i can call her coop 嗯, zach ,只有我能叫她coop

Coop quebec just confirmed they had a pick - up on maguire 卡泊魁北克公司剛被準許在馬奎爾街載客