
coon n.1.【美動】浣熊(=racoon)。2.〔口語〕猾頭...

coon cat

On the basis of analyzing and summarizing intersection ' s character , the author has studied the horizontal design method and the new vertical design method based on coons surface model . further more , combining the design custom of intersection , the author has developed “ highway intersection cad system “ based on windows operating system 作者在分析、總結公路平面交叉口特點的基礎上,研究了公路平面交叉口的平面設計方法和基于coons曲面模型的立面設計新方法,并結合公路平面交叉口的設計習慣,開發了基于windwos的公路平面交叉口cad系統。

Then it should be worked out image simulation based on coons fractal patches and the characteristic blocks - based fractal image compression . in the later , the regional shape of partitioned image is encoded and then matched with other similar part of the image , which is the same as the original region in size and shape 利用特征塊對圖象進行分割,對分割后的圖象,一方面用coons型分形曲面片拼接進行仿真,另一方面,對區域進行形狀編碼和分形相似性匹配,以對圖象進行壓縮編碼。

The significance established the system is to generalize the theories and methods of bi - cubic coons surfaces and to simplify the boundary conditions greatly which can are directly derived from the given interpolating data . hence the difficulty of determining boundary conditions of multivariate spline is overcome , which makes it use in many applications . 2 該方法的意義是:推廣了雙三次coons曲面的理論與算法,并對邊界條件進行了簡化改進,可以直接由插值條件獲得邊界條件,從而克服了多元樣條邊界條件難以確定的困難,拓寬了應用范圍。

As a part of the civil 863 plans , two multiple - contact models for two kinds of braking system are built in the paper , in which contact fields are described as coons surfaces , initial velocity is programmed in fortran . the thermal - mechanical coupling braking processes are simulated for the first time by msc . marc , the general - used nonlinear fem software . time distributions of the velocity , the stress and the temperature of the components under various initial velocity and brake force are obtained , which offer theoretic gist to study the life of the wheel , the disc and so on 作為國家行業863重大課題《鐵路機車車輛虛擬樣機系統》的一部分,本文在研究接觸問題和熱?機耦合問題數值方法的基礎上,采用國際上通用的非線性有限元分析軟件msc . marc建立了踏面制動和盤形制動主要部件的多體接觸計算模型,其中用解析方法描述,即用nurb曲線、高斯曲面來描述接觸區域,用fortran語言編寫定義初速度的用戶子程序,首次對兩種制動過程熱?機耦合進行了數值仿真,定量給出了主要制動部件在不同初速度、不同制動力下各個時刻的速度、應力和溫度的變化規律,為研究車輪、閘瓦以及制動盤壽命提供了理論依據。

Yoyodyne , inc . , hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program gnomovision which makes passes at compilers written by james hacker . signature of ty coon Yoyodyne公司,茲此放棄james hacker所寫之gnomovision程序該程序產出編譯器所需資訊所有的著作權利益。

You are a maine coon ! you are larger than life , a gentle giant . you are independent , but very affectionate with your friends and family 你是一只美國緬因貓!你看上去體型比實際年齡大,是個文雅的大個子。你很獨立,但是你對家人和朋友仍是情深意重。

He was once fabulously rich , but because of his overconfidence in his own judgement his business went bust and he is now a gone coon 他一度有錢得令人難以置信,可是,由于他太過相信自己的眼光,他經營的企業破產了,現在他的處境困難得很。

In god s name , john henry menton said , what did she marry a coon like that for “天哪, ”約翰亨利門頓說, “她干嗎要嫁給這么一個上不了臺盤的家伙呢?

A coon comes down a tree headfirst for most of the way , then finishes the descent tailfirst 一只熊頭向前沿的樹往下爬了一大半,然后倒退著爬下樹來。

Cooner coon dog 獵浣熊之獵犬

Coonhound coon dog 獵浣熊的獵犬

My daddy said it looked like the coon dog he had when he was a kid . . 我爸爸說它看起來有點象他小時侯養的一條狗. .

My daddy said it looked like the coon dog he had when he was a kid 我爸爸說它看起來有點象他小時侯養的一條狗

The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoot him 獵狗把浣熊趕到了樹上,這樣獵人就能向它射擊。

Ain ' t seen you in a coon ' s age , boy . l ' ve been minding pearl -好久不見了,孩子-我在照看珀爾

And that one looks jewish . . . and that one ' s a coon 還有那個看起來像猶太人的. . .還有那個黑人!

My letter will coon reach him , it is on the road 我的信正在途中,他很快就會收到的。

Ise de cutest colour coon down our side 這一帶就數我的腦袋瓜子靈。千真萬確。

I am tired of hunting the same old coon . 反復干同樣的事,我真干膩了。