
coombe n.深谷,小山溝;(三面皆山的)無川峽谷;海邊小溪崖。


Bloom three times by the reverend mr gilmer johnston m . a . alone in the protestant church of saint nicolas without , coombe ; by james o connor , philip gilligan and james fitzpatrick , together , under a pump in the village of swords ; and by the reverend charles malone c . c . , in the church of the three patrons , rathgar 村76的水泵下,由詹姆斯奧康納菲利普吉利根和詹姆斯菲茨杰拉德共同為他施洗在拉思加爾的三位主保圣人教堂由那位可敬的天主教神父查理馬洛尼77獨自為他施洗。

On the contrary , that stab in the back touch was quite in keeping with those italianos , though candidly he was none the less free to admit those ice creamers and friers in the fish way , not to mention the chip potato variety and so forth , over in little italy there , near the coombe , were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit too given to pothunting the harmless necessary animal of the feline persuasion of others at night so as to have a good old succulent tuck in with garlic de rigueur off him or her next day on the quiet and , he added , on the cheap 不過,他仍然愿意坦率地承認,庫姆街附近的小意大利128那些賣各種炸土豆片的自不用說,還有賣冰淇淋的和賣炸魚的,也都不喝酒,是些勤勤懇懇省吃儉用的人們。不過,他們也許太喜歡趁著夜間隨手亂逮屬于旁人的有益無害的貓129族了。還把他或者她那不可或缺的130大蒜抄了來,好在第二天人不知鬼不曉地飽餐一頓帶汁的佳肴,并且還說: “來得真便宜。 ”

The parking spaces on stadium path , caroline hill road between stadium path and cotton path , eastern hospital road service road and hoi ping road will be suspended between 6 am and 2 pm while those in the coombe road carpark between 6 am and 3 pm (一)大球場徑、介乎大球場徑與棉花路的一段加路連山道、東院道支路及開平道的車位將于上午六時至下午二時臨時取消,而甘道停車場則將于上午六時至下午三時臨時封閉;及

The parking spaces on stadium path , caroline hill road between stadium path and cotton path , eastern hospital road service road and hoi ping road will be suspended between 6 am and 2 pm while those in the coombe road carpark between 6 am and 6 pm (一)大球場徑、介乎大球場徑及棉花路的加路連山道、東院道支路及開平道的車位將會于上午六時至下午二時臨時取消,而甘道停車場則將于上午六時至下午六時臨時封閉。

Access to coombe road from magazine gap road will be restricted to the local residents only from 8 . 30 am ; and (九)由上午八時三十分開始,只有該處住客可由馬己仙峽道進入甘道;及

Up in the coombe with chummies and streetwalkers and then the rest of the year as sober as a judge 跟相公們和妓女們在庫姆街鬼混一陣,一年里的其他日子就像法官那么清醒。

Access to coombe road from magazine gap road will be restricted to the local residents only (六)只有該處住客可由馬己仙峽道進入甘道。

They asked for mulcahy from the coombe and were told where he was buried 他們打聽庫姆街的馬爾卡希,人家便告訴他們那人埋在哪兒。

Did you hear that one , he asked them , about mulcahy from the coombe “你們聽說過關于庫姆街的馬爾卡希那檔子事嗎? ”他問道。

Those two sluts that night in the coombe , linked together in the rain 那天晚上在庫姆39 ,兩個娘子淋著雨,互相挽著臂在唱:

27 coombe road , the peak , hong kong island , hong kong 香港島半山甘道27號

Also the two sluts in the coombe would listen 庫姆街的那兩個姨子也樂意聽的。