
coom n.煤灰,煤煙;〔蘇格蘭語〕煤;〔方言〕鋸屑。


“ maister , coom hither ! miss cathy s riven th back off th helmet uh salvation , un heathcliff s pawsed his fit intuh t first part uh t brooad way to destruction 凱蒂小姐把救世盔的書皮子撕下來啦,希刺克厲夫使勁踩走向毀滅的廣闊道路的第一部分!

The contamination of atmosphere still give priority to type of coom in our country . the main contaminations is so2 and soot 我國的大氣環境污染仍然以煤煙型為主,主要污染是so _ 2和煙塵,酸雨問題依然嚴重。

Und hathecliff s noan t chap to coom at maw whistle - happen he ll be less hard uh hearing wi ye 而且希刺克厲夫也不是聽我一叫就來的人沒準你叫他還聽得入耳些呢! ”

Yah muh goa back whear yah coom frough 你從哪兒來,就滾回哪兒去。 ”

Studies on carcinogenetic mechanism of coom extracts 煤煙提取物致癌作用機制的研究