
coolly adv.冷,沉著,冷靜;冷淡;厚著臉皮。


No , he said coolly : when you have indicated to us the residence of your friends , we can write to them , and you may be restored to home “不, ”他冷冷地說: “等你把朋友的住址告訴我們后,我們可以寫信給他們,你就又可以回家了。 ”

Coolly he pulled the keys out of his jeans pocket , unlocked the driver ' s door , shoved laura to the other seat and started up 洋洋自得地,他從牛仔褲口袋里掏出鑰匙,打開駕駛室門,把勞娜推到旁邊的座位上,然后發動了汽車。

“ i think you should do comparison shopping . “ lisa said , super coolly . “ how else can you possibly appreciate me ? i ' m not a jailer . “我想你確實應該貨比三家, ”麗莎說,那表情簡直酷斃了, “你還想我怎樣?我又不是獄卒。 ”

No , no , he replied coolly ; you ll leave sufficient behind to cover your debts , if you fail to return : i m not in such a hurry “不,不, ”他冷淡地回答, “如果你回不來,你要留下足夠的錢來補償你欠下的債。我不忙。

At nightfall in the campus , with the wind blowing coolly , we immersed in smoothing out the cement , which i found kind of interesting 傍晚的校園,風涼涼的吹著,我們兩個人埋頭把水泥鋪平,我發覺這還蠻有趣的。

Music is a responsibility . i ' m not drained creatively . i want to make breakthroughs for the chinese music industry , ' he says coolly 音樂是種責任.我并沒創作力枯竭.我想要突破中國的音樂市場.他冷靜地述說著

When boatloads of much more ordinary asians approach the shores of australia , on the other hand , they are received coolly 。而另一方面,當極為一般的亞洲人乘船到了澳大利亞的海岸時,他們受到的則是冷遇。

Heathcliff dropped his slight hand , and stood looking at him coolly till he chose to speak . sit down , sir , he said , at length 希刺克厲夫放下他那瘦瘦的手,冷靜地站在那兒望著他,等他先開口。

Take it back to the coach - house , john , said mr . rochester coolly : it will not be wanted to - day “把它送回馬車房去,約翰, ”羅切斯特先生冷冷地說, “今天不需要它了。 ”

She was perfect at the social sport of coolly holding her own , and making other people defer to her 在社交上,她是這樣地善于冷靜地守著自己的地位,而使他人向她讓步。

After listening one morning to their effusions on this subject , mr . bennet coolly observed , 一天早晨,班納特先生聽到她們滔滔不絕地談到這個問題,他不禁冷言冷語地說:

“ there are a lot of nickel shoehorns there , ” said jimmy coolly , “ that i ' m going to return “里邊是好多鎳制的鞋拔, ”基米冷冷地說, “我準備把它們統統退回去。

When there was an alarm of fire in the cinema , the manager took it so coolly that there was no panic 電影院響起火警時,經理能夠鎮定自如,所以沒有發生慌亂。

Returned madame , coolly and lightly , if people use knives for such purposes , they have to pay for it 老板娘輕松冷淡地說, “拿了刀子干這種事總是要受罰的。

Solskjaer coolly slotted home louis saha ' s cross before being mobbed by his elated team - mates 索爾斯克雅冷靜的把薩哈的傳中球打進,隊友都為他高興。

I told you you had a remarkable face , mr . barsad , observed carton , coolly pray sit down “我告訴過你,你那臉容易讓人記住吧,巴薩先生? ”

Disappointed in the expectation of a customer , she coolly acceded to my request 她沒有盼到一位雇客,很是失望,冷冷地答應了我的要求。

Without losing her temper , she coolly tells lady catherine to mind her own business 她未發脾氣,只是冷冷地告訴凱瑟琳夫人不要管閑事。

Who knows ? replied mr fogg , returning to the car as coolly as usual 福克先生回答說,他說完這話就走進了車廂,依然和平時一樣冷靜。