
coolie n.苦力(特指東方的廉價勞動力)。


The demand for large quantity of cheap labour , resulted by the need for economic development in various parts of the world , lasted for several decades . as hong kong was a colony beyond the laws of china , and it was situated in a very convenient position , it became the entrepot for sending coolies from china to america or to australia 由于接著的數十年間,西方國家需要大量的廉價勞動力開發當地經濟,香港既為英國殖民地,不受中國法律管轄,又鄰近華南地區,航運條件優良,遂成為苦力前往美國及澳洲等地的中轉站。

In the 19th century hundreds of thousands of coolies ? indentured workers lured by chinese and western recruiters using a greater or lesser degree of deception ? toiled in some of the world ' s worst hellholes : the guano deposits of peru , the canebrakes of cuba or the gold mines of south africa 19世紀,成千上萬的中國苦力被本國或西方雇主花言巧語騙到世界上的最惡劣的地方從事勞作:從遍布鳥糞的秘魯,到叢林縱生的古巴,再到滿地黃金的南非。

The group has come a long way from its humble beginnings offering tcm remedies to tin mine coolies in gopeng , perak , malaysia 127 years ago . today eu yan sang is a household name in asia with an unrivalled reputation as the leader in the tcm industry 由127年前在馬來西亞為礦工們引入傳統中藥保健開始,發展至今日,余仁生已成為亞洲區內家傳戶曉之品牌,在中藥業穩執牛耳,聲譽超著。

There was a full complement of passengers on board , among them english , many americans , a large number of coolies on their way to california , and several east indian officers , who were spending their vacation making a tour of the world 船上旅客相當多,有一些英國人,但更多的是美國人還有許多到美洲去的苦力移民也有一部分是在印度軍隊中服役的軍官,他們在利用假期作世界旅行。

After arriving from the north , chow befriends a local coolie alex man . their friendship is tested when they both fall in love with a terminally ill girl whom chow saved from the streets . in the end , one of them will make the ultimate sacrifice 時值1941年日軍侵略香港,葉劍飛周潤發飾認識了黃克強萬梓良飾,兩人同時愛上夏育男葉童飾最終,總有一人要為愛而犧牲。

Our innumerable coolie ancestors were buried beneath the palm trees of bangka . there they lie silently in a distant land , with weeds growing above their graves , without a penny to their names 邦加的椰樹林子埋葬著我們數不清的當“豬崽”的先輩,他們靜靜地躺在異國他鄉土地下,野草叢生,默默無聞。

The turtle was so huge that it took four coolies to bring it in , but when tang happened to move it the next morning , he found it was so light that he could carry it himself 那只海龜大得需要四個苦力才能抬動,可是第二天早上,當唐易安碰巧要挪動它,他發現海龜很輕,只要自己一個人就可以帶走。

In the first world war , the british forces in africa represented a racial mixture , with the whites often referring contemptuously to their indian colleagues as “ coolies “ 第一次世界大戰期間,非洲的英軍由不同種族組成,白人往往譏其印度裔同袍為小工。

Introduction : click on the mouse left button first , and then employed several salons coolie and then lower right button to begin the first game 鼠標點擊左數第一個按鈕,然后雇幾個美發小工,再按右下角第一個按鈕開始游戲。

Click on the mouse left button first , and then employed several salons coolie and then lower right button to begin the first game 鼠標點擊左數第一個按鈕,然后雇幾個美發小工,再按右下角第一個按鈕開始游戲。

They stem at the site of a knife brick repair brick wood , i just pick mud coolie , they are right , i get upset 他們在工地上干的是用刀磚葺磚的活,我只是個挑泥漿的小工,他們都對我冷嘲熱諷。

Finally in 1903 , the coolie revolt koeli schandalen broke out . it was an event that shook the world 勞工們忍無可忍,于1903年爆發了震撼世界的“苦力暴動”

In the film we saw a long line of coolies bent almost double under heavy loads 在影片中我們看到一長行碼頭工人背著沉重的貨物,身子彎得幾乎貼近肚子。

This golden goose was in fact fed by the flesh and blood of innumerable chinese coolies 這棵搖錢樹是用數不清的中華勞工的血肉澆灌出來的。

Call us coolies 把我們叫做苦力

One day four coolies came with a huge sea turtle for sale 一天,四個苦力抬來一只巨大的海龜出售。

He was also a right wing , he was a master , i was coolie 他也是“右派” ,他當大工,我當小工。

On one dock, where a ship from the philippines was pulling in, coolies fought among themselves for space . 一個船塢上,一艘來自菲律賓的船正在進港,苦力們為爭得一塊立足之地互相扭打。