
coolidge n.1.柯立芝〔姓氏〕。2.CalvinCoolidge...


President coolidge ' s statement , “ the business of america is business , “ still points to an important truth today - that business institutions have more prestige ( 威望 ) in american society than any other kind of organization , including the government 柯立芝總統說, “美國的事業就是工商業” ,今天這句話仍然指出了一個很重要的真理:工商業機構在美國社會比任何其他組織,包括美國政府,威望更高。

One morning , coolidge saw the secretary to enter the office , then said to her : “ you look stunning in your new suit , and the suit is fitting beautiful lady like you 一天早晨,柯立芝看見秘書走進辦公室,便對她說: “今天你穿的這身衣服真漂亮,正適合你這樣年輕漂亮的小姐。 ”

In 1928 , when he triumphantly defeated al smith , hoover seemed profoundly different from his two republican predecessors , warren harding and calvin coolidge 1928年,當胡佛在大選中擊敗阿爾?史密斯之時,似乎與兩位共和黨前任沃倫?哈定和卡文?柯立芝迥然不同。

Coolidge has such charm and personality that she would have been one of the 12 famous americans , even had her husband not been president . “ from an interview with mr 無論何時煤礦?一個英國煤礦里發生爆炸,請注意,國王和王后準會立即拍來電報表示哀悼。

1923 the first broadcast of an official presidential address was that of pres . calvin coolidge ? s second annual address to congress 美國電臺廣播卡爾文?柯立芝總統在國會所作的第二次年度演說。這是美國電臺第一次正式廣播總統講話。

9 president coolidge ' s statement , “ the business of america is business , ” still points to an important truth today 柯立芝總統說過,美國的頭等大事就是做生意。這句話現在看來依然有道理。

During the coolidge years , people in the u . s . invented all kinds of new products and industries 在他執政的年代里,美國人發明了各式各樣的新產品,并開始從事許多新的工業。

Coolidge had a female secretary who was beautiful , but she often careless and made mistakes 柯立芝有一位漂亮的女秘書,人雖長得不錯,但工作中卻常粗心出錯。

In 1924 president calvin coolidge proclaimed the third sunday in june as father ' s day 1924年,美國總統加爾文?庫利奇宣布每年6月的第三個星期天為父親節。

“ in 1924 president calvin coolidge supported the idea of a national father ' s day 1924年,卡爾文?柯立茲總統表示支持設立全國性的父親節的建議。

Coolidge s tube 庫里吉氏管

Female artist coolidge , jennifer 女藝人珍妮花古利姿

Calvin ? coolidge became the american president in 1923 卡爾文?柯立芝于1923年登上了美國總統寶座。