
cool adj.1.涼,涼爽。2.沉著的,冷靜的,慎重的。3.冷...


Bright warm days follow clear cool nights . 明媚溫暖的白天和清澈而涼爽的夜晚交相更替。

You shouldn't let him annoy you so much. cool down ! 你不該為他冒這么大火,消消氣吧!

It was dim and cool in the room . 房間里陰暗、涼爽。

Madeline is a cool girl . 梅德琳是個頭腦清醒的姑娘。

We will try to cool the water . 我們得設法把水弄涼。

I like the sweet, cool smell of the snow . 我多么喜歡雪那種甜蜜蜜的涼颼颼的香味啊。

Perspiration does not produce its usual cool effect . 出汗也不能產生通常的涼爽感。

Then there is the table to lay and the wine to cool . 還得擺上餐具,把酒冰鎮一下。

Beer is at its best when it is cool . 冷啤酒味道最美。

Let the tea brew and cool a little before you drink it . 讓茶泡一會,涼一下再喝。

Cooling between stages is necessary . 各段之間需要冷卻。

It is then known as an evaporative cooler . 這就是當時人們所熟悉的蒸發式冷卻器。

There is a rainbow in its cooling vapours . 在它的逐漸冷卻的水汽中出現一條彩虹。

Cool your temper, cool yourself ! 請鎮定你的怒氣,請鎮定!

Let the water cool before you drink it . 把開水晾一晾再喝。

The cool of the night distil the dew . 深夜的寒氣凝成露珠。

His second marriage had turned out a cool affair . 他第二次結婚卻是淡墨山水。

It must be cooled to its liquefaction temperature . 它必須冷卻到其液化溫度。

They gave the prime minister a cool reception . 他們很冷淡地接待了這位首相。