
cookroom cookroom =cookhouse.


After this i went on board ; but the first sight i met with , was two men drown d , in the cookroom , or forecastle of the ship , with their arms fast about one another : i concluded , as is indeed probable , that when the ship struck , it being in a storm , the sea broke so high , and so continually over her , that the men were not able to bear it , and were strangled with the constant rushing in of the water , as much as if they had been under water 我向它一呼喚,它就跳到海里,游到我的小船邊來,我把它拖到船上,只見它又饑又渴,快要死了。我給了它一塊面包,它就大吃大嚼起來,活像一只在雪地里餓了十天半月的狼。我又給他喝了點淡水,它就猛喝,要是我不制止它的話,真的可以喝得把肚子都漲破。

This apply to any kind of shipping cookroom . it has beautiful outlook , reliable features and high heating heating efficiency 適用于各類船舶廚房使用、外表美觀、性能可靠、熱效率高。