
cookie n.1.〔蘇格蘭語〕甜面包;〔美國〕(家常)小甜餅;餅干...


Clears all cookies from the cookie collection 清除cookie集合中的所有cookie 。

A : i made those cookies . what do you think 那些餅干是我做的,你覺得怎么樣?

- it ' s not spicy enough - where is your fortune cookie -還不夠辣-你的華夫餅干呢

Do not use cookies to support critical features 不要使用cookie支持關鍵功能。

Deletes the cookie where role names are cached 刪除在其中緩存角色名稱的cookie 。

The last time he went on a boat , he tossed his cookies 我上次坐船時,嘔吐不止。

Gets the cookie path for the current application 獲取當前應用程序的cookie路徑。

Do you usually make come cookies during xmas 你在圣誕期間會做一些特殊的點心嗎?

The middle layer of these cookies is peanut butter 這些餅乾中間的夾心是花生醬。

You may also turn off cookies in your browser 您也可以在瀏覽器上關閉cookies 。

Limiting cookies to a folder or application 將cookie限制到某個文件夾或應用程序

Should be discarded to make room for the new one ,以便給新的cookie讓出空間。

The virtual path to transmit with the cookie 要與此cookie一起傳輸的虛擬路徑。

That has already been freed , is a cookie to a 創建的而無效,可能表示一個已釋放的

Are you kids hungry ? does anybody want a cookie 你們餓不餓么?有人要小甜餅么?

For more information about using cookies , see 有關使用cookie的更多信息,請參見

Specifies that the cookie information is not protected 指定cookie信息不受保護。

- l ' m gonna get a cookie . - don ' t eat too many , now -我要去吃曲奇餅-不要吃多了

Preventing cookies being shared across applications 防止在應用程序之間共享cookie