
cooker n.1.炊具,蒸煮器。2.〔口語〕菜果(適于做菜的果類)...


Bosch egg cooker - white - tek1101 hot item Bosch博世煮蛋機-白色- tek1101熱門推介一度斷市

Safety and characterstics of aluminium pressure cooker requirement 鋁壓力鍋安全及性能要求

China top brand stainless steel pressure cooker 中國名牌不銹鋼壓力鍋

However , these cookers are hard to make 盡管如此,這些炊具制作困難。

A solar cooker never gets that hot 一個太陽能炊具不會達到這樣的溫度。

The cooker has several temperature settings 這個爐具有幾個溫度定位擋。

Particular requirements for automatic rice cookers 自動電飯鍋的特殊要求

Solar cookers , or ovens , have been used for centuries 太陽炊具或灶火已經使用了上百年。

However , these cookers are hard to make 但是,這些炊具的制作比較困難。

Please demonstrate how to use this microwave cooker 請示范說明一下如何使用這個微波爐

However , these cookers are hard to make 不過,這些炊具制作起來很困難。

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic cooker 第三種太陽能灶是拋物線型太陽能灶。

The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic cooker 第三種太陽能烤爐是拋物面式烹飪機。

Test method for the performance of a pasta cooker 面食炊用爐性能試驗方法

Single electric cooker , double electric cooler 電磁爐系列:單電爐雙電爐

The substance into alcohol with a homemade pressure cooker 變成了酒,利用自制的壓力鍋

We ate out because our cooker is broken 因為爐子壞了,所以我們出去吃飯。

Specification of reflective material for solar cookers 太陽灶鍍鋁薄膜反光材料技術條件

The third kind of solar ovens is a parabolic cooker 第三種太陽能炊具是拋物線狀炊具。