
cooke n.庫克〔姓氏〕。


The current pool of judges from other common law jurisdictions is a who s who of the common law world - from britain , two serving law lords , lord nicholls of birkenhead and lord hoffman ; from australia , former chief justice of the high court sir anthony mason and former high court judge sir daryl dawson ; and from new zealand , retired president of the court of appeal and privy councillor , lord cooke of thorndon , and retired court of appeal judge sir edward somers 名單上現有的一批來自其他普通法適用地區的法官,均是普通法適用國家的著名人士兩名英國在任的上議院高級法官lord nicholls of birkenhead和lord hoffman澳洲前高等法院首席法官sir anthony mason和前高等法院法官sir daryl dawson新西蘭已退休的上訴法庭庭長暨樞密院成員lord cooke of thorndon ,以及已退休的上訴法庭法官sir edward somers 。

The current pool of judges from other common law jurisdictions is a who s who of the common law world - from britain , two serving law lords , lord nicholls of birkenhead and lord hoffman ; from australia , former chief justice of the high court sir anthony mason and former high court judge sir daryl dawson ; and from new zealand , retired president of the court of appeal and privy councillor , lord cooke of thorndon , and retired court of appeal judge sir edward somers 名單上現有的一批來自其他普通法適用地區的法官,均是普通法適用國家的著名人士? ?兩名英國在任的上議院高級法官lordnichollsofbirkenhead和lordhoffman ;澳洲前高等法院首席法官siranthonymason和前高等法院法官sirdaryldawson ;新西蘭已退休的上訴法庭庭長暨樞密院成員lordcookeofthorndon ,以及已退休的上訴法庭法官siredwardsomers 。

Concepts , such as localized capabilities ( maskell and malmberg , 1999 ) and untraded interdependencies ( storper , 1997 ) , emphasize that socio - institutional settings , interfirm communication and interactive learning play a decisive role in explaining regional innovation and growth ( cooke and morgan , 1998 ; lawson , 1999 ; gordon and mccann , 2000 ) 局部能力和非商業依賴的概念強調社會機構設置、公司內部交流和相互學習在解釋區域創新和增長中是決定性的因素。

The manager ' s relationship with his captain venables had reached breaking point and he replaced the future england coach ' s clever passing with the dribbling ability of a young scot named charlie cooke 這期間主教練與球隊隊長維納布爾斯的關系破裂,不久,多赫迪出任英格蘭隊教練,離開了切爾西,而球隊也出現了一張新面孔,這就是蘇格蘭人查理庫克。

“ you probably won ' t see a thing other than bootes itself , “ cooke cautions . on the other hand , you might spot a genuine meteor cloud . . . uncharted no longer “你也可能除了牧夫星座什么也沒看到, ”庫克提醒說。但另一方面,你也可能看到一個名副其實的流星云團, - - - -再也不是編外的。

Charlie cooke flew over from cincinnati , usa , to collect his award , and right - back nominee ken shellito , who handed peter osgood his award , flew in from sabah in malaysia 查里-庫克從美國辛辛那提趕來領獎,給皮特-奧斯古頒獎的右后衛候選人肯-謝利托從馬來西亞薩巴趕來。

We mainly manufacture and export various kinds of casting lron gas cookers & kiuhen kalus , welning owl cookes , ren ching steel oukels and same nies metal products 我司主要生產并出口各種鑄鐵制煤氣灶具及廚房用具,焊接/沖壓制煤氣灶具及其他一些金屬制品。

Cooke is one of the greatest entertainers to have graced the stamford bridge turf , his creative skills combining perfectly with peter osgood 庫克是斯坦福橋歷史上最受歡迎的球員之一,技術出眾,創造力極強的他與奧斯古德之間配合默契。

Cooke was there to hand over the adidas chelsea young player of the year award which went to another african - john mikel obi 之后庫克把由阿迪達斯贊助的切爾西年度最佳新秀獎頒給了另外一個非洲人? ?米克爾。

Bill cooke offers this advice : “ step outside after sunset on friday and look straight up 比爾給出如下建議: “星期五,太陽一落山就走出戶外,仰望天空,牧夫星座幾乎就垂直在頭頂上。 ”

Road traffic ( traffic control ) regulations ( chapter 374 ) - - temporary restricted zone on cooke street , hung hom 道路交通(交通管制)規例(第374章) - -紅?曲街臨時限制區

Look at sam cooke 你瞧薩姆庫克

How about it for sam cooke 山姆?庫克

This is mary sunshine reporting live from the cooke county courthouse 這里是瑪莉珊珊從庫克郡立監獄所做的現場報導

Cooke street eastbound . affected motorists are advised to travel via 由漆咸道北北行右轉入曲街東行。

Fungicide control of tomato leaf mould cladosporium fulvum cooke 番茄葉霉病藥劑防治研究

Come on , sam cooke . - let sam cooke in here 上來山姆?庫克-讓他到這里來

- come on , sam cooke . - let sam cooke in here -上來山姆?庫克-讓他到這里來

Collected by cooke kelsey , u . s . a . originally in english 美國庫克凱西報導原文為英文