
cook vt.1.烹調,煮,燒(食物)。2.〔口語〕虛報,竄改(...

cook book

The meat was cooked to rags [a pulp] . 肉煮得稀爛。

He was a wonderful cook and a good housekeeper . 他是個手藝高超的廚師,又是個好管家。

A smell of cooking penetrated the crack of the door . 一陣燒飯的氣味從門縫鉆了進來。

What 's cooking at the station ? 車站上出了什么事?

Food cooked on an open fire has a flavor of peculiar . 明火炙烤的食物有獨特的味道。

The meat was cooked to perfection . 這肉烹調得好極了。

My task was to wash and cook . 我的任務是洗衣服與煮飯。

That cook was more educated than his fellows . 那位廚師所受的教育比他的伙伴略高。

His wife is very useful at cooking . 他的妻子很會做菜。

She made me sample her cooking . 她讓我品嘗她燒的飯菜。

Do n't cook any more . 別再做什么了,好歹吃點兒就得了。

The sands [grits] in the cooked rice made my tooth ache . 米飯里的砂粒硌痛了牙。

The meat had cooked too long and lost its savour . 這塊肉煮得太久,已失去味道。

Sir james's cook is a perfect dragon . 詹姆士爵士的廚子可是個頂呱呱的好角色呢。

We must cook fast many meals . 我們必須快速供應許多客飯。

Who 's going to cook tonight ? let us toss up . 今晚誰做飯?咱們擲硬幣決定吧。

Cook them four hours on a small, economical flame . 用文火把它們煮上四個鐘頭。

Joe's practically accused me of cooking the books . 喬簡直是在罵我竄改帳簿呢。

Cook the meat slowly until it 's tender . 把肉用慢火煮爛。