
coo vi.,vt.(鴿等)咕咕地叫;低聲軟語地談(情話),溫...


However , coo could not adjust to the life style in tokyo and starts to miss his family 康一帶著河童即將展開一段奇異的旅程,尋找那個曾經清純美好的世界。

“ sweet old man ! he knows how to sit and shake , “ the web site cooed “一個可愛的老家伙!它知道如何坐下和搖擺身體。 ”那家網站對庫喬進行了頗為煽情的描述。

“ sweet old man ! he knows how to sit and shake , “ the web site cooed “一個可愛的老? !它知道如何坐下和搖擺身體。 ”那家網站對庫喬進行了頗為煽情的描述。

It makes me happy to see young lovers billing and cooing as they stroll through the park 看到年輕的戀人們喁喁私語溜達著穿過公園時,我感到很高興。

Mr . michael j . butcher - - - ( coo , lucent technologies ) mr . iwao toriumi - - - ( chairman , marubeni corporation ) 鳥海巖先生- - (丸紅株式會社董事長)

This long to coo 長今煮飯

And he started to shove , when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove 當他聽到了一聲小鳥般清脆的聲音,便開始往(煙囪)上爬。

- no . - coo coo 不行唔,唔?

No . - coo coo 不行唔,唔?

Cooing . coo coocoo 啾唧著咕咕咕!

Who the mother is ? coos 孩子的母親?

Cooing - rawdon walking 他會走路了!

On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing , and i said to myself 在校舍的屋頂上有幾只鴿子在咕咕地叫。

Re - establishing the ideas of coos accounting under the circumstance of knonledge economy 知識經濟環境下成本會計的思維重構

But don t do that , laughter people will think you re loco , coo coo 但不要那么做大眾笑,不然人們會以為你們腦袋有問題。

Coo chief organizer officer 首席管理官

This serious situation is urgently asking for developing coo - agriculture in these areas 這就要求必須大力發展生態農業。

Prince and willumstad became ceo and coo , respectively , in 2003 平思和威爾姆斯達在2003年分別擔任行政總裁和首席執行官。

Who the mother is ? [ coos ] 孩子的母親?