
cony n.1.兔;兔皮。2.(在《圣經》中提到的)蹄兔。3.【...


In the course of designing tpl information system based on ec in the taida company , by mainly analyzing the operation procedure , the data process and the requirements of goals in the taida company , on the basis of the principles of designing lis , to counter the problems that the company often conies across in the design of the system , the author has designed the network structure , the system structure , the function structure and the system of data base 在泰達公司基于電子商務的第三方物流信息系統的設計過程中,論文主要分析了電子商務下的物流服務內容以及泰達公司的業務流程、數據處理流程、目標需求。在上述需求分析的基礎上,依據物流信息系統的設計原則,針對系統設計中經常遇到的問題,對系統的網絡結構、體系結構、功能結構以及數據庫系統進行了設計。

Based on the premise of analyzing the relation between organization and institution , chapter three introduces and compares three typical organizational models of integrated operation of financial industry in the world , analyzes the adaptability of thre e organizational models in china , conies to the conclusion that china should adopt the model of pure financial holding company within near - middle period , and puts forwards the institutional arrangements of developing china ' s financial holding companies at macroscopical and microscopical aspects 第三章以組織和制度的關系作為分析前提,介紹并比較了國際上典型的三種金融混業經營組織模式,對三種模式在我國的適應性進行了剖析,得出我國在近中期內宜采用純粹型金融控股公司模式,并提出了發展我國金融控股公司宏觀層面和微觀層面的制度安排。

Intensions of adherents represented by those models are as follows : uprightness is the foundation for establishing oneself and manage to get along in the world ; cultural contribution is their purpose ; the cultivation of virtues reflects their life attitude ; aid their outlook on life conies from their enchases on confucianism and absorption of other religions 明遺民典范所代表的明遺民內涵是:正氣是明遺民的立身根本;文化貢獻是明遺民的本業;貞節修行是明遺民的生活態度;重儒容教(佛與道)是明遺民的世界觀。

Abstract : it discussed the production process of weaving , teasing , dyeing , and finishing etc . of different proportion and counts of inferior cony hair , acrylic blended cashmere imitation yarn . simultaneously introduced shrinking , crinkling and entangling action in the processes of dyeing and finishing as well as suitable processing means , which have improved wool dropping of inferior cony hair blending sweaters . it fully displayed fine appearance , natural hand - feeling , bright color and excellent wear behaviour 文摘:對采用不同比例、不同支數的次兔毛、腈綸仿羊絨混紡紗的編織、起絨、染色、后整理等生產工藝進行了探討,同時介紹了利用腈綸仿羊絨纖維在染整加工過程中的收縮、卷曲和糾纏作用及合理的加工手段,改善了次兔毛混紡毛衫掉毛嚴重現象,充分顯示出了該混紡毛衫細膩的外觀、天然羊絨的手感、鮮艷的顏色及優良的服用性能。

Based on the four aspects , financial news diversifies the information channel , agenda building characteristics and public opinion , which proves that the economic news media system of china is completing itself . the second is macroscopically direction . the financial news conies into the economics news media system as a factor with new function , which improves the intermedia agenda building mechanisms , and makes the public agenda , group agenda and official agenda interact effectively and efficiently to affect the policy agenda 本文從兩方面論述財經新聞對體系的影響:在微觀層面上,財經新聞在議題選擇、議題面向、媒介立場、議題表現四個方面改變了經濟類議題的建構方式,使信息渠道多樣化、議題建構特色多樣化、意見多樣化,并為這些變化提供了新的表現形式,提高了經濟報道的議題建構能力從而表明我國的經濟報道體系正在走向多元化;在宏觀層面上,財經新聞的出現使我國經濟報道體系中多了一種功能定位的媒介,從而完善了媒介間議題傳播機制,使得公眾議題、官方議題或其他團體議題在進入體系之后可以進行有效和高效的互動,形成新的媒介議題并影響政策議題。

This article conies to the following conclusion upon the research of marketing strategy of seamless steel pipes : 1 , pcg should modify the current full - coverage marketing mode . by adopting a specialized marketing mode , the growth of total products will also see the proportion of special variety pipes over 85 % 本論文就無縫鋼管營銷策略研究得出以下結果: 1 、公司改變現在的完全覆蓋市場模式,采用有選擇的專門化市場模式,提高整體產量規模的同時專用管比例達到85以上。

The conclusion conies from positive and negative aspects . one side , they should conquer the obstacles on establishing the civil responsibility of securities fraud . on the other hand , they should definitude the functional orientation of the civil responsibility of securities fraud 構建完整的證券欺詐民事責任制度,首先要從立法觀念入手,即認識到證券欺詐民事責任的必要性,這就包括正反兩個方面:一是克服確立證券欺詐民事責任的觀念障礙,一是明確證券欺詐民事責任的功能定位。

This contrasts with the computation of fundamental matrices and trifocal tensors , which use only a subsequence of 2 and 3 views respectively . secondly , in our methods , the essential geometry of the image single axis geometry may be specified by six parameters and this may be estimated from one conic and one fundamental matrix ( a total of 12 parameters ) or may be minimally estimated from two conies ( a total of 10 parameters ) . previous methods have involved estimating more than this minimum number of parameters 從本質上講,本文提出的算法是一個多視角幾何算法,它充分利用了所獲得的圖象序列,將單軸旋轉運動的幾何信息很好地融入于二次曲線當中,從而創新地提出了利用二次曲線對單軸旋轉運動的不變量進行分析的方法,并首次求解出了單軸旋轉運動中的全部不變量。

This thesis wants to make people clear the interior and exterior problem which influence andragogy ' s independence through perceiving and analyzing why its has so humble independence as a possible discipline . and then conies further study on how to orientate and how to develop in the course of heading for the real independence in the following period , which can offer a few inspiration for gradually improving its research environment , innovating its condition of theoretic research for gradual exalting the status of its independence 本論文就是通過對成人教育學作為一門學科其學科獨立地位如此卑微的原因透視與分析來使人們明晰地認識到影響成人教育學學科獨立地位認可度的內部和外部問題,而后以此為主要依據進一步探討了成人教育學今后逐步走向真正的學科獨立應如何定位與如何發展,以求為成人教育學逐步改善自身的科研環境、轉變自身的理論研究狀況而不斷提升其學科獨立地位提供點啟迪。

With the great development of transnational corporations , the 1 human society , from the age of distribution and exchange within countries , steps into the times of international distribution and interchange within and between enterprises , thus the international integrated producing system conies into being 隨著跨國公司的大發展,人類社會正從國家與國家之間的分工與交換的時代,走向企業內及企業之間的國際分工與交換的時代,企業的國際一體化生產體系正在形成。

This paper begins with the summary of concept model and evaluation model of customer satisfaction theory and its measurement methods , and introduces the measurement model and evaluation indices system used in this paper ; then it explains how to analysis the results by using the matrix of satisfaction - importance with the combination of classify of measurement indices ; and when it comes to the research on the value relationship between customer satisfaction and performance , this paper establishes the shine model , which describes the relation between satisfaction indices , service function and enterprises “ activities . then it conies up with the thoughts system of performance management for service enterprises . at last , it analysis “ the present situation of customer satisfaction with shijiazhuang branch of railway communication and information co . ltd 本文先后從概念模型研究和度量模型兩方面綜述了顧客滿意的基本理論及測度方法,并介紹了本研究采用的測量模型和評價指標體系;進而闡述了如何用滿意度? ?重要度矩陣結合按相關性的指標分類來對測評結果進行分析;然后,在研究顧客滿意與企業績效的價值關系時,構建了顧客滿意測評指標、服務屬性和企業活動之間的映射模型;接著提出了績效管理的基本思想體系;最后,針對鐵通石家莊分公司用戶滿意度狀況進行了實例分析。

Through the studies of the invariants of the single axis motions , computational theories have been developed in this thesis to provide practical solutions for the problem of structure and motion from fitting the corresponding points in the whole sequence to its conic locus or conies for short . it is then shown that all single axis geometry can be directly computed either from one conic and one fundamental matrix or from at least two conies . the rotation angles then can be calculated directly from using the laguerre formula 本文通過詳細分析單軸旋轉運動中的不變量,利用物體點在單軸旋轉運動中軌跡為圓,而在圖象平面的投影為二次曲線的這一特征,以二次曲線為分析的基元,研究了求解單軸旋轉運動結構問題的新理論和一系列新算法,并在此基礎上完成了物體的三維重建等工作。

This article conies out with the concept of introducing administrative contract first into the enforcement of environment jaw . preliminarily designs administrative contract types that suit the enforcement of environment law in our country , and probes the judicial examination system of administration contract 所以,本文提出了在環境執法中率先引入行政合同的執法理念,初步設計了可以應用于我國環境執法的行政合同種類,并對行政合同的司法審查制度展開了探索。

As a developer in the project research team , the author make full use of the advantages of the mechanism of certificate verification : easy to implement , authorized , separate from the exchange phase , and etc . , then improve more on the original algorithm , and finally the new document exchange protocol conies into being , which is proposed to replace the original in the project report of the new version 作為fides項目的主要開發成員之一,本文作者在進行系統設計與具體實現的過程中,充分吸納了證書驗證機制簡單、權威、與交換活動脫離等特點,提出了改進后的文件交換協議,并在新版的fides項目報告中予以體現。

The computer aided medical image 3 - d - reconstruction technologies - - medical visualization is one of the most active fields of scientific visualization . it reconstruct 3d - regular data sets conies from the ct , mri or slice to 3d - image which can be viewed interactively on the screen . the technologies has a great significant in medical teaching , medical diagnosis n therapy planning and telemedicine 計算機輔助的醫學圖象三維重建技術? ?醫學可視化是科學計算可視化的一個具體應用,也是科學計算可視化的最活躍的領域之一,它運用計算機圖形學和圖象處理技術將來源于ct 、 mri 、生物組織切片等醫學二維圖象數據重建成三維圖象,在屏幕上顯示出來并可以進行交互處理。

In pace with fast growing of the domestic manufacturing industry , a brand new industry conies into being , it targets on providing advanced industrial facilities and warehousing equipment to modern manufacturing industry , in attempt to strengthen running chain of production management 國內制造業的飛速發展,派生了一個新的行業,這個行業為現代制造業提供先進的專業的工業設備和物流裝備,以幫助企業實現現代化的生產管理。

With the high speed development of information technology , the enterprise managers how to make use of the abundant data that come from different data sources and profit from those , thus data warehouse technology conies into being 在信息技術高速發展和激烈市場競爭的今天,企業管理者如何從來自不同數據源的大量的數據中得到良好的決策支持,這就產生了數據倉庫技術。

Primitively , the taylor tape is shaped when the polymer solution conies out from the sprinkler , then the taylor tape is elongated with the spray of instabilities , and the jets form solidified nanofibers gradually 高聚物溶液從噴射孔流出首先要生成幾ylor圓錐,然后r幾ylor圓錐伸長,并伴隨著射流的不穩定運動,接著射流開始向固化纖維轉化。

Therefore , a concrete way that will guide corporation to combine its individuality into its commonness from the theory conies into being with corporation molding its identity . this paper chose chongqing fuxing real estate co 所以,具體的企業在塑造形象時,一個既要從已有的理論成果中尋找共性,更要提煉、煅造自身個性的問題應蘊而生。