
convulsive adj.痙攣性的;驚厥的;驟發的;震動性的。 a con...


The young man overwhelmed by the weight of his anguish , fell heavily on his knees before the bed , which his fingers grasped with convulsive energy . d avrigny , unable to bear the sight of this touching emotion , turned away ; and villefort , without seeking any further explanation , and attracted towards him by the irresistible magnetism which draws us towards those who have loved the people for whom we mourn , extended his hand towards the young man 那年輕人手指痙攣著,忽然力不能支似地跪倒在床前,阿夫里尼不忍再看這令人悲痛的情景,轉過身去維爾福也不忍心再要求他解釋,他好象被一股不可抗拒的力量吸引著,走到年輕人身邊向他伸出一只手,因為凡是愛我們所哀悼的人,總是有這股磁力的。

Kutuzov even imagined napoleons army marching back to medyn and yuhnov . but the one thing he could not foresee was what happenedthe mad , convulsive stampede of napoleons army during the first eleven days of its march from moscowthe stampede that made possible what kutuzov did not yet dare to think about , the complete annihilation of the french 庫圖佐夫甚至想到,拿破侖的軍隊退回到梅德內和尤赫諾夫但是有一點他未能料到,而這一點已成事實,即拿破侖在離開莫斯科的頭十一天瘋狂地抽瘋似地亡命奔逃,庫圖佐夫當時還不敢想到這一點:法國人已完全被擊潰。

But she gazed at him with her loving eyes and hugged him in such utter self - surrender that he pocketed the money again with that little convulsive twitch or the fingers peculiar to a miser when he regains possession of that which has been well - nigh lost 然而,她卻含情脈脈地瞅著他,吻他時仿佛要把她整個身心獻給他,他把錢幣放進口袋,抓錢時手微微顫抖著,就像一個吝嗇鬼攫住一筆差點丟失的錢似的。

Albert seized them with a convulsive hand , tore them in pieces , and trembling lest the least vestige should escape and one day appear to confront him , he approached the wax - light , always kept burning for cigars , and burned every fragment 阿爾貝用一只顫抖的手抓過來,把它們撕得粉碎。他渾身發抖,恐怕撕碎的一小片將來再出現到他面前,他走到那支老是燃著準備點雪茄的蠟燭前面,把每一片碎紙都燒掉。

Paralytic period : give priority to with paralytic symptom , muscle of occurrence whole body is paralytic , it is difficult to stand up , lie the ground does not rise , convulsive , glossal emergence , salivate , last breath centre paralytic or exhaustion dies 麻痹期:以麻痹癥狀為主,出現全身肌肉麻痹,起立困難,臥地不起、抽搐,舌脫出,流涎,最后呼吸中樞麻痹或衰竭死亡。

At this moment danglars , who had been incessantly observing every change in fernand s look and manner , saw him stagger and fall back , with an almost convulsive spasm , against a seat placed near one of the open windows 就在這時,正在密切注意著弗爾南多的騰格拉爾突然看見他象痙攣似的抽搐了一下,踉踉蹌蹌退到了一扇開著的窗子前面,靠在身邊的一把椅子上。

Due to the shock of having experienced the disaster , he had a convulsive fit whenever he saw people . but when he met the disciples , he neither cried nor seemed frightened , but instead smiled broadly when they embraced him 由于受到海嘯的驚嚇,男嬰看到人時總會不自主地抽搐,不過當他看到我們時,既不哭也不怕,當我們抱起他時,更是露出開懷的笑容!

She had only to name a figure . nevertheless , she did not hurry but continued playing with him , breathing her merry laughter into his hairy ear and enjoying the little convulsive movements which kept traversing his heavy face 然而,娜娜不慌不忙地逗著他玩,把笑聲送進他的毛茸茸的耳朵里,看到他肥厚的臉上一陣陣打著戰栗,內心很高興。

Again , at the first instant of perceiving that thin visage , and the slight deformity of the figure , she pressed her infant to her bosom with so convulsive a force that the poor babe uttered another cry of pain 她一看到了那人瘦削、多皺的面孔和稍稍變形的軀體,便不由自主地再一次把嬰兒緊樓在胸前,直弄得那可憐的孩子義疼得哭出了聲。

Again , at the first instant of perceiving that thin visage , and the slight deformity of the figure , she pressed her infant to her bosom with so convulsive a force that the poor babe uttered another cry of pain 她一看到了那人瘦削多皺的面孔和稍稍變形的軀體,便不由自主地再一次把嬰兒緊樓在胸前,直弄得那可憐的孩子義疼得哭出了聲。

The rigors which had attacked barrois gradually increased , the features of the face became quite altered , and the convulsive movement of the muscles appeared to indicate the approach of a most serious nervous disorder 巴羅斯的身體愈抖愈厲害,他的面貌幾乎已經全部變形,肌肉一個勁兒地抽搐,預示一場極其嚴重的神經錯亂馬上來臨。

The moans of the little patient subsided ; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased ; and , in a few moments , as is the custom of young children after relief from pain , it sank into a profound and dewy slumber 患病的小家伙的呻喚平息了,痙攣般的扭動也逐漸停止了,過了一會兒,她就象病兒解除痛苦之后慣見的那樣,香甜地進入了夢鄉。

What use will peace be to me when he is gone ? princess marya muttered aloud , walking with rapid steps through the garden , and pressing her hands to her bosom , which heaved with convulsive sobs 當他不在世的時候,我的安靜又有什么用呢? ”她在花園里邁著疾速的腳步走著,一邊用雙手按住胸口,不由自主地抽抽搭搭地哭,一邊念叨著。

Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary subjects to test paralytic drugs , hallucinogens including lsd and electro - convulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power 檔案揭露了他曾用了數千不知情者,包括志愿對象,用以測試癱瘓病人藥物,迷幻劑包括lsd和電休克療法,這比正常的比率高出30到40倍。

Mr . rochester , on hearing the name , set his teeth ; he experienced , too , a sort of strong convulsive quiver ; near to him as i was , i felt the spasmodic movement of fury or despair run through his frame 羅切斯特先生一聽這個名字便咬緊了牙,抽搐似地劇烈顫抖起來,我離他很近,感覺得到他周身憤怒和絕望地痙攣起來。

“ oh , “ replied valentine with a convulsive movement , “ oh , indeed , maximilian , you are too timid for an officer , for a soldier who , they say , never knows fear “噢! ”瓦朗蒂娜帶著一個痙攣的動作答道, “噢,真的,馬西米蘭,你太膽小了,不配做軍官,因為,他們說,一個軍人是從不知道害怕的呀。

All around him were lying the palikares , writhing in convulsive agonies , while two or three who were only slightly wounded were trying to escape by springing from the windows 他的周圍橫七豎八地躺著那些衛兵,痛苦地抽搐著,有兩三個只受些輕傷,正試圖從窗口跳出去逃命。

“ yes , yes , “ said the young man , “ yes ; “ and once again embracing his father with convulsive pressure , he said , “ be it so , my father . “是的,是的! ”青年說道, “是的! ”于是又渾身痙攣地用力擁抱了他父親一次,說, “就這樣吧,父親。 ”

Neurobiological alterations related to the cognitive impairment due to interictal epileptiform discharges in rats induced by sub - convulsive electrical stimulation 驚厥閾下電刺激誘發大鼠發作間癇樣放電致認知功能障礙時相關神經生物學改變