
convulsion n.1.震動,激動;動亂;【地質學;地理學】激變,災變。...


Convulsion may occur with infants aged from 0 - 6 suffering from high fever 概指由0 - 6歲的小兒因發熱,體溫過高,而出現的驚厥情況。

Cramp or convulsion 痙攣或抽搐。

Even while the boy was coming , the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion 42正來的時候、鬼把他摔倒、叫他重重的抽瘋。

Convulsion of nature 自然界的激變如

It is valproic acid , a medication long established to prevent convulsions 一個是丙戊酸,一種長期可以阻止抽搐發生的藥劑。

The development and clinical application of dx - electric convulsion therapy instrument 型電休克治療儀研制與臨床應用

Expelling wind and relieving convulsion 祛風止痙

Continued exposure can cause severe convulsions that can lead to death 連續暴露會引起可能導致死亡的抽搐。

A spasm or fit ; a convulsion 陣發痙攣或短暫發作;抽搐

Then the convulsion stops and the patient will regain consciousness gradually 病人抽搐過后會逐漸蘇醒。

Progress of benign convulsions with mild gastroenteritis in children 輕度胃腸炎伴嬰幼兒良性驚厥研究進展

Uh , some patients go into convulsions when they ' re unconscious 防止有些病人在不省人事的情況下出意外

A study on the association of polymorphism of il - 10 with febrile convulsion 10基因多態性的相關性研究

When convulsion is over , treat him as for an unconscious casualty 待抽搐過后,按人事不省方法處理。

Have high fever the person of convulsions history cannot vaccinal . 3 2 .有高熱驚厥史的人不能接種。

Long - term prognosis of convulsion in newborn 新生兒驚厥及預后

We are all in convulsion of laughter 我們大家都笑得前仰后合。

The story was so funny that we were all in convulsions 那個故事真滑稽,引得我們捧腹大笑。

Convulsions and teeth - grinding , so disgusting 又磨牙又抽筋,真惡心!