
convulse vt.1.使(地等)震動;震撼[震動](全國等)。2.〔...


Barrois , his features convulsed , his eyes suffused with blood , and his head thrown back , was lying at full length , beating the floor with his hands , while his legs had become so stiff , that they looked as if they would break rather than bend 巴羅斯這時面部痙攣,眼睛充血,仰頭躺在地上,兩手敲打地板,兩腿已變得非常僵硬,不象是自己在彎曲而象是折斷了一樣。

This was rejected ; there was something about the image of shaak ti convulsing as a lightsaber speared her heart that stuck with lucas , and she again faced an unseen executioner in front of cameras a few months later 這個方案被否決了,盧卡斯執著于莎克?提被光劍洞穿心臟時身體抽搐的影像,于是幾個月后她再一次在攝影機前背對看不見的劊子手。

The deepening of reform of higher education convulses personnel training and causes the contradiction of supply and requirement , so the aim of personnel training should reform to meet the need of modern society 高教改革的深化必將引起高校人才培養的強烈震撼,出現一系列供需矛盾的問題,人才培養目標必須進行相應的變革以適應現代社會的需要。

Or - but this more rarely happened - she would be convulsed with a rage of grief , and sob out her love for her mother , in broken words , and seem intent on proving that she had a heart , by breaking it 還有更罕見的,她會因一陣悲慟而全身抽搐,還會抽抽噎噎地說出幾個不連貫的詞語來表達她對母親的愛,似乎要用心碎證明她確實有一顆心。

Vga chase row output meet all fig image signal output can directness mate fig tv and display entirety dispel coruscate boost menu mass and definition video decode in put tone exceed convulse Vga逐行輸出接口,全數字圖像信號輸出,可以直接配接數字電視和顯示器,完全消除閃爍,提高畫面質量及清晰度

The woman accused of slashing a young mother ' s throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in missouri . 36 - year - old shannon torrez has pleaded not guilty 一名婦女由于刺破以為年青母親的喉嚨并綁架她的嬰兒而遭到指控。在密蘇里州審判期間,她不停抽泣,并堅持自己無罪。

Strike at him ! the officer said almost in a whisper to the dragoons ; and one of the soldiers , his face suddenly convulsed by fury , struck vereshtchagin on the head with the flat of his sword 軍官對騎兵的說話聲幾乎是耳語,于是,一個士兵突然惡狠狠扭曲著臉,舉起一把鈍馬刀砍向韋列夏金的頭部。

The woman accused of slashing a young mother ' s throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in missouri . 36 - year - old shannon torrez has pleaded not guilty 密蘇里州36歲的杜蘭絲被控割傷一名年輕母親的喉嚨并綁架了她的嬰兒,在傳訊期間她抽搐嗚咽,懇求不要判她有罪。

The woman accused of slashing a young mother ' s throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in missouri . 36 - year - old shannon torrez has pleaded not guilty 36歲的沙郎?特蕾茲在密蘇里州傳訊期間受控割破一名年輕母親的喉嚨并綁架了其哇哇大哭的嬰兒,但她不承認有罪。

The patient s eyes will roll up during an epileptic attack . he will clench his teeth tightly and convulse . in worse cases , the patient will bite his own tongue or crash his body against objects 癲癇癥(俗稱發羊吊)病者病發時雙眼向上翻,咬緊牙關,全身抽搐,有時甚至會咬舌或撞傷自己。

The woman accused of slashing a young mother ' s throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in missouri . 36 - year - old shannon torrez has pleaded not guilty 36歲的杜蘭絲被控割傷一名年輕母親的喉嚨并綁架她的嬰兒,在密蘇里州受審期間抽泣不已,不承認自己有罪。

The patient s eyes will roll up during an epileptic attack . he will clench his teeth tightly and convulse . in worse cases , the patient will bite his own tongue or crash his body against objects 癲癇癥俗稱發羊吊病者病發時雙眼向上翻,咬緊牙關,全身抽搐,有時甚至會咬舌或撞傷自己。

A painful giddiness overwhelmed villefort ; great drops of acrid sweat fell from his face upon the papers which he held in his convulsed hand . “ repeat your father s name , “ said the president 大滴的汗珠從他的臉上滾落,他顫抖的手抓住稿紙, “那么,說出你父親的名字來。 ”

Mk . 9 : 2 aand they brought himto him . and when it saw him , the spirit immediately convulsed him greatly , u andfalling on the earth , he rolled about , foaming at the mouth 可九20他們就把孩子帶到他那里。靈看見耶穌,就立刻叫孩子重重地抽瘋,倒在地上,翻來覆去,口中流沫。

And they brought him to him . and when it saw him , the spirit immediately convulsed him greatly , and falling on the earth , he rolled about , foaming at the mouth 20他們就把孩子帶到?那里。靈看見耶穌,就立刻叫孩子重重的抽瘋,倒在地上,翻來覆去,口中流沫。

With streaming face and an expression of agony , linton had thrown his nerveless frame along the ground : he seemed convulsed with exquisite terror 林敦淚下如注,帶著一種痛苦的表情,將他那軟弱無力的身子撲在地上:他仿佛由于一種劇烈的恐怖而驚恐萬狀。

I took her hand in mine , and bid her be composed : for a succession of shudders convulsed her frame , and she would keep straining her gaze towards the glass 我握住她的手,叫她鎮靜點,因為一陣陣哆嗦使她渾身痙攣著,她卻要死盯著那鏡子。

Seeing natasha , he waved his arms in despair , and went off into violent , miserable sobs , that convulsed his soft , round face 他看見娜塔莎,絕望地兩手一撣,他那柔和的圓臉龐上的肌肉劇烈抽搐著扭曲著,發出痛苦的哽咽聲。

The spirit shrieked , convulsed him violently and came out . the boy looked so much like a corpse that many said , “ he ' s dead . 26那鬼喊叫、使孩子大大的抽了一陣瘋、就出來了孩子好像死了一般。以致眾人多半說、他是死了。