
convolute adj.1.【動、植】包卷形的,回旋狀的。2.【醫學】迂...


The data processing system further includes a convoluted inverse transforming means for inversely transforming the discrete function in a second - variable - domain back to the time domain at a second sampling frequency for converting t he input data to a set corresponding data sampled at the second sampling frequency 此資料處理系統也包含一個旋積的逆轉換裝置,用來對以第二個變數為定義領域的離散函數,逆轉換回以第二個取樣頻率為頻率及以時間為定義領域的函數,也就是將資料轉換成以第二個取樣頻率所取樣的資料。

5 . by applying our recurrence method of decreasing order , we obtain the close formulas of convoluted summations for generalized fibonacci - lucas numbers , euler numbers and genocchi numbers etc . furthermore , we obtain the computed formulae of the higher - order cumulants for a class of the lattice animal and some identities for riemann zeta functions and beta functions . 6 建立降階遞歸法,并用這種方法得到廣義fibonacci - lucas數、 euler數、 genocchi數等的多重卷積求和的封閉公式,進而得到了若干riemannzeta函數與beta函數的恒等式以及一類latticeanimals的高階累積量的計算公式。

By the study on the different structure and technics , a new structure of single side tfpm with convolute stator and inner magnet rotor is developed . the stator core is made by convoluted silicon steel tape . the stator manufacture does not need punching 通過對各種電機的結構特點及其加工工藝的分析研究,提出了新型的橫向磁通永磁電機結構,定子鐵心采用硅鋼片卷繞結構,轉子采用內置式永磁體結構,給出了新結構加工的工藝方法。

According to this derivation , a bi - linear optical system could be decomposed into a set of convolution kernels , which could then be convoluted with input pattern , and the resulting set of convolution fields could be superimposed to yield an intensity field 在這里提出了一種基于卷積核的快速稀疏空間光強的光刻仿真計算方法。一個雙線性光學系統分解成為一組空間域卷積核,并通過對版圖的空間域卷積來計算空間光強。

In recollecting schumpeter , it is hard to tear oneself away from the exotic manner , the dubious politics , the carefully crafted image , the hidden self - doubts , the convoluted life story , the complicated relations to three wives and several non - wives 回憶熊彼特,很難回避他的奇特風格、令人生疑的政治立場、謹慎巧妙的形象,潛藏的自我懷疑,復雜的生命歷程以及和三位妻子與幾個未婚情人的復雜關系。

In recollecting schumpeter , it is hard to tear oneself away from the exotic manner , the dubious politics , the carefully crafted image , the hidden self - doubts , the convoluted life story , the complicated relations to three wives and several non - wives 回憶熊彼特,很難回避他的奇特風格、模糊的政治立場、謹慎巧妙的形象,潛藏的自我懷疑,復雜的生命歷程以及和三位妻子與幾個未婚情人的復雜關系。

They are too convoluted : “ our management approach utilizes an effective strategy that optimizes ten key factors in the throughput of primary marketing initiatives with bottom line measurability . ” say what ? ? ? ! ! 說話兜圈子,都不知道你在表達什么。這個毛病國內太常見,即使有名的企業也常犯,堆砌一大堆專業詞匯,可就是不懂他在說什么,廣告文案,炒作概念更加常見。難怪人家說策劃“太有才了。

I ve spent at least a couple of weeks going through the axis code previously , so i ve got a decent familiarity with the structure - but i also remember how painful it was when i first tried to track down the often convoluted paths taken by the code 我曾經至少花了幾周時間分析過axis代碼,因此我對它的結構相當熟悉不過我也還記得第一次試圖跟蹤這些代碼采用的通常很費解的路徑時有多么痛苦。

Ostracoda , and so on . in the deep lake facies of niujuanhu and mazhong structural belts , there were also discovered gravity - flow microfacies , which was mainly composed of turbidite in which the slump structure and convolute bedding were often found 馬朗凹陷牛圈湖構造帶、馬中構造帶的半深湖相中,發育湖泊重力流微相,典型的表現為濁積巖的發育,其中可見到重力滑塌構造及包卷層理等。

I ve shown in this article how you can dig generic type information out of compiled classes at run time at least the basics - i ignored complications such as inner classes and some of the more convoluted constructions possible with generics 我已在本文中展示了如何在運行時挖掘已編譯類的泛型類型信息(至少是基本的,我忽略了像內部類這樣的復雜情況以及泛型中一些更復雜的結構) 。

Spending the time to work through a mass of source code can reveal the function flow to you , but when function pointers are involved or the code is lengthy and convoluted , the process becomes considerably more difficult 花一些時間遍歷一下源代碼,可以向您展現所有的函數調用過程;但是如果函數指針非常復雜,或者代碼太長且晦澀難懂,那么這個過程就可能更加困難了。

Using the function above , author have finished double concentric loop , tri - slot , ring , and convoluted - double - square fss flat plate samples , discussed the computed results and in accord with other relational article 應用本文算法,完成了同心雙方形環,內部褶皺方環形等單元fss的理論建模和數值分析,分析結果與相關文獻的結果吻合很好。

New features now appearing in money laundering include the trading of precious stones and metals , convoluted remittances of money through the internet and the utilization of new immigrants as couriers of cash 從事寶石及貴金屬買賣、透過互聯網進行回旋式匯款,甚至利用新移民偷運現金,都是洗黑錢活動的最新手法。

I think i said this in a somewhat overly convoluted manner , but it ' s true that i have a natural tendency to establish a distance , both with the person who is looking at me and with the role i am playing 我認為我說的這句話有點玄乎過頭了,但我的確有一種保持距離的自然傾向,對人和對角色都是如此。

Automatic mahjong table : shuffle swiftly and automatically , set the people free from convoluted shuffling , stress the enjoyment and amusement characteristic of this activity 自動麻將桌: ( 7 . 8 . 9 )自動快捷地洗牌,把人從煩瑣的洗牌操作中解脫出來,更增添了該項活動的娛樂性與輕松性。

Since he left the us central bank , mr greenspan ' s remarks have become much more definitive - in contrast to his often convoluted and confusing phraseology while in office 自離開美聯儲以來,格林斯潘的講話內容變得明確了很多,一反在任時常見的令人費解和迷惑的措詞風格。

( 2 ) directionality is one of the basic texture characters , in order to use this character , texture image is convoluted with laws models ( 2 )方向性是紋理的一個基本特征。為了利用這種特性,將紋理圖像和laws模板相卷積,分別濾出圖像的水平邊緣、垂直邊緣和對角邊緣。

In the days of j2ee 1 . 3 this step would have used the rather convoluted application server facilities that form part of the jms specification 在使用j2ee 1 . 3時,這一步可能將使用一個相當麻煩的應用服務器工具,該工具是jms規范的一個組成部分。

At first glance , supplying annotations using an aop construct , and then using those annotations to capture join points seems unnecessary and convoluted 初看之下,使用aop構造提供注釋、然后使用這些注釋捕獲連接點似乎是不必要的、多余的。