
convoke vt.召集(會議等),召集…開會。 convoke Pa...


Where the procedures for convoking and the voting form of a shareholders ' convention or shareholders ' meeting or meeting of the board of directors , violate any law , administrative regulation or the articles of association , or the resolution is in violation of the articles of association of the company , the shareholders may , within 60 days as of the day when the resolution is made , request the people ' s court to revoke it 股東會或者股東大會、董事會的會議召集程序、表決方式違反法律、行政法規或者公司章程,或者決議內容違反公司章程的,股東可以自決議作出之日起六十日內,請求人民法院撤銷。

It ' s very meaningful for ren ming post newspaper to convoke a meeting to exchange and research deeply on the important issues such as how could telecom industry transform successfully and support the construction of informatization , when the construction of informatization of our nation now is all - around improving and the transformation of telecom now is continuously deepening 在當前我國信息化建設全面推進、電信業轉型不斷深化的新形勢下,人民郵電報社組織召開這樣一個會議,就電信業如何以轉型、如何支撐信息化建設等重大課題進行深入的交流和研討,是一件很有意義的事情。

With the gentlemanwhom i have not the honour of knowing ; but i imagine the estate of the nobility , apart from the expression of its sympathy and enthusiasm , has been convoked also to deliberate upon the measures by which we can assist our country . i imagine , said pierre , growing warmer , that the tsar would himself be displeased if he should find in us only the owners of peasants , whom we give up to him , and 我認為, ”他激昂地說, “如果皇上看見我們只不過是一些把自己的農奴獻給他的農奴主,只不過是我們把自己充充當chair a conon ,而從我們這兒沒有得到救救救亡的策略,那么,皇上是不會滿意的。 ”

Sixth : under the charter of the united nations , we are asking tonight that an emergency meeting of the security council be convoked without delay to take action against this latest soviet threat to world peace 第六:根據聯合國憲章,我們要求立刻召開安理會緊急會議,好對蘇聯最近對世界和平的威脅采取行動。

Some related international organizations were established and some meetings were convoked to protect the black bear . a lot of scholars have launched research work on black bear 國際上成立了相關的組織,召開了相關會議,國際國內很多專家學者在多個領域開展了對黑熊的研究。

《 international hepatis 》 : 58th annual meeting of the american association for the study of liver diseases will be convoked in boston during november 2 - 6 , 2007 《國際肝病》 :第58屆美國肝病研究學會年會將于2007年11月2 6日在美國波士頓召開。

The administrative vice president , ling zeming , congratulated the successful convoking of the first union congress in his speech 公司常務副總經理凌澤民同志在講話中對大會圓滿召開表示祝賀。

China packing in association with would the sixth four times council is in the shandong jinan the south convoke 中國包裝聯合會第六屆四次理事會在山東濟南隆重召開

Convoking journalist be able to 召開記者會