
convocation n.1.(會議的)召集;集會。2.〔美國〕(圣公會)主教...


Six days shall work be done : but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest , an holy convocation ; ye shall do no work therein : it is the sabbath of the lord in all your dwellings 利23 : 3六日要作工、第七日是圣安息日、當有圣會、你們甚麼工都不可作、這是在你們一切的住處向耶和華守的安息日。

And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation ; you shall do no work of labor , and you shall hold a feast to jehovah seven days 13又要將公牛犢十三只,公綿羊兩只,一歲的公羊羔十四只,都要沒有殘疾的,獻為燔祭,給耶和華為怡爽香氣的火祭。

New and exchange students , faculty and staff members and council members attended the convocation officiated by mr . moses cheng , chairman of the council and of the court of hkbu 開學典禮由校董會及諮議會主席鄭慕智先生主禮,出席的包括大學校董、教職員、新生及交流生。

Speak unto the children of israel , saying , in the seventh month , in the first day of the month , shall ye have a sabbath , a memorial of blowing of trumpets , an holy convocation 利23 : 24你曉諭以色列人說、七月初一、你們要守為圣安息日、要吹角作紀念、當有圣會。

“ speak to the sons of israel , saying , ' in the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest , a reminder by blowing of trumpets , a holy convocation 利23 : 24你曉諭以色列人說、七月初一、你們要守為圣安息日、要吹角作紀念、當有圣會。

And on the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation , and you shall afflict your souls ; you shall not do any work 8只要將公牛犢一只,公綿羊一只,一歲的公羊羔七只,都要你們看為沒有殘疾的,作為怡爽香氣的燔祭獻給耶和華。

Speak to the children of israel , and say to them , as to the appointed feasts of jehovah , which you shall proclaim as holy convocations , these are my appointed feasts 2你要對以色列人說,這些是我耶和華所定的節期,就是你們要宣告為圣會的節期。

A distinguished alumna of the united college of the chinese university of hong kong , ms yan is currently the chairperson of the cuhk convocation 殷巧兒女士是出色的教育工作者、香港中文大學聯合書院杰出校友,現任香港中文大學評議會主席。

The shareholders planning to attend the shareholders meeting shall send back the reply in writing to the company 20 days before the convocation of the meeting 擬出席股東大會的股東應當于會議召開20日前,將出席會議的書面回復送達公司。

She is also member of the newly established alum eobservers network sub - committee and task force on the 10th anniversary celebration of the convocation 她亦為新設的評議網絡工作小組與評議會成立十周年活動工作小組的成員。

In conclusion , i would like to warmly welcome the convocation of the ninth informal apec economic leaders ' meeting in shanghai , china 最后,我要熱情歡迎亞太經合組織第九次領導人非正式會議在中國上海召開。

Earlier this year , in an important gesture , the archbishop of san francisco turned up at a lay convocation 今年早些時候,舊金山的教區的大主教參加了一般信徒的大聚會,這是一個來自教會高層的很重要的姿態。

This essay is based on a commencement talk given by the author at the science convocation at mcgill university in june 2003 本文以他2003年6月在麥克基爾大學科學大會上的講話為基礎而成的

Mcgregor , douglas . “ the human side of the enterprise . “ 1957 sloan convocation lecture introducing theory x and theory y 企業的人性面1957史隆管理學院大會演講稿, x理論與y理論的介紹。

This is the date for the establishment of the university convocation , an organization that formally represents all alumni 在這一天,一個代表他們的法定組織大學評議會正式成立了。

This year ' s teaching will be the basis for a workshop session at the sloan school ' s 50th anniversary convocation 本年度的教材內容將做為史隆管理學院50周年大會學術研討會議的基礎。

The university , which has more than 26 , 000 students , has scheduled a convocation for 2 p . m 這個擁有26000名學生的大學在東部時間星期二下午2點安排了一個教務會議。

Venue : convocation room , room 218 , main building , the university of hong kong , pokfulam , hong kong 時間:下午二時三十分地點:香港大學本部大樓218室畢業生議會廳

Six days work shall be done , but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest , a holy convocation 3六日要作工,第七日是完全安息的安息日,當有圣會。