
conviviality n.1.宴樂;歡宴。2.愛(和人)吃喝玩樂的性格。


The parties are boisterous events that promote conviviality among the participants and elevate the spirits of the fans before the game 車尾野餐會是一件熱鬧的事情,通過參加聚會可以促進人們的相互交往,并且在比賽開始之前振奮球迷的士氣。

Synonymous with freshness , hygiene and conviviality , the individual cream portions are also economical and practical 獨立包裝奶不僅僅是新鮮、衛生、歡樂的代名詞,同時也是非常經濟實用的。

Distance muted the gorging and tippling at the table to an elfin conviviality 由于距離遠,所以餐桌上的大吃大喝變成了無聲的精靈歡宴。

Sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality . 佳肴盛饌和愛國樂曲,使氣氛十分優雅而歡樂。