
convivial adj.1.宴會的,歡宴的;歡樂的,快活的。2.愛(和人...


Lastly at the head of the board was the young poet who found a refuge from his labours of pedagogy and metaphysical inquisition in the convivial atmosphere of socratic discussion , while to right and left of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator , fresh from the hippodrome , and that vigilant wanderer , soiled by the dust of travel and combat and stained by the mire of an indelible dishonour , but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that voluptuous loveliness which the inspired pencil of lafayette has limned for ages yet to come 右邊是剛從賽馬場來的油嘴滑舌的預言家,左邊是那位謹慎的流浪者。他被旅途與廝打揚起的塵埃弄臟,又沾上了難以洗刷的不名譽的污點。然而他那堅定不移忠貞不渝的心中卻懷著妖嬈的倩女面影,那是拉斐特270在靈感觸發下用那支畫筆描繪下來的傳世之作。

Exceedingly red - eyed and grim , as if he had been up all night at a party which had taken anything but a convivial turn , jerry cruncher worried his breakfast rather than ate it , growling over it like any four - footed inmate of a menagerie 他雙眼通紅,脾氣很大,仿佛徹夜不眠參加了晚會回來,而那晚會又無絲毫樂趣。他不是在吃早飯,而是在拿早飯發脾氣,像動物園里的居民一樣對它嗥叫。

St . clare was invited out to a convivial party of choice spirits , and was helped home , between one and two o ' clock at night , in a condition when the physical had decidedly attained the upper hand of the intellectual 圣?克萊亞應邀去赴一個宴會。宴會上有各種名酒。直到午夜一兩點鐘,人家才送他回來,看樣子顯然是肉體戰勝了精神,以致喝得酩酊大醉。

More than being part of your participation grade , this informal presentation will be a convivial way to revisit and extend with your classmates some of the concepts we ' ve encountered this term 除了作為你的課堂表現分數的一部份;更重要的是,這個非正常的報告可以用一個較輕松的方式來為同學們回顧及引伸某些在這學期中我們所接觸到的概念。

Scoffing down a burger at the wheel is a poor substitute , and i found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright 當我們取笑將夾肉餅帶到車子里進食是一種不好的飲食替代習慣的時候,我發覺這是一件很怪的事情? ?去想象這個對傳統飲食文化非常注重的民族能夠輕而易舉地改變這種固有的習慣。

His budget ? and unusually convivial style in presenting it ? was above all an attempt to lift spirits and show that he was the man to win labour a record fourth term in office 他的預算演說? ?通常是愉快隨和的演講? ?都是為了提升士氣并告訴大家他是那個曾經創造工人黨連續四期執政的紀錄的那個布朗。

It is indispensable for every literature , no matter it is of personal characteristics or of story plot , to have real and convivial details description 摘要任何一篇文學作品中,無論是人物性格的刻畫,還是故事情節的展開,典型環境的描繪都離不開真實而生動的細節描寫。

After these historical events , this ritual became a convivial dish , which french people used to enjoy with family and with friends 當這些歷史事件過去之后,這一形式演變成了一道歡宴菜肴,被法國人用來與家人和朋友共享。

Until modern society , it has evolved into a convivial holiday when different peoples enjoy celebrating and communicating 在新的時代條件下,踩花山已從最初的祭奠祖先或男女交游演變為各族人民相互交往、共同歡樂的節日。

Finally , the kursaal has opened in the end of may , which makes the city much more convivial 一年一度的城市型的游樂場終于在5月底開始了,讓本來很安靜的城市變的熱鬧了很多

I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright 我發現很滑稽的是整個國家的歡樂用餐人都主動交出了他們的權利。

“ he was a convivial fellow . “ meaning he was an alcoholic “他是個歡宴的人”是指他酗酒

Mat dillon s long ago . jolly mat convivial evenings 好久以前了,在馬特狄家。

Fahmy was at once transparent and subtle, convivial and abrasive, suave and prickly . 法赫米這個人既開朗又陰沉,善于交際而又喜歡磨人,說話和藹而又帶刺。

Fahmy was transparent and subtle, convivial and abrasive . 法赫米這個人既開朗又含蓄,善于交際而又喜歡磨人。

The three spend a convivial evening together . 3人一道度過了一個歡樂的夜晚。