
convincible adj.可說服的,可使信服的。 a convincibl...


The first one is about the current situation and developing trend of market legal system construction ; the second part is about the convincible models for the legal regulation of market economy - necessary interference economic relationship ; the third part is about introspection and reconstructing of economic laws ; the forth part is about the analysis of macro - regulation rights and the construction of macro - regulation method ; the fifth part is on the definition of market regulation and the construction of market regulation laws ; the sixth part is about the enlightenment to china by the discussion of government ' s economic functions ; the seventh part is about the necessity and trend of judicial reform 全文共分七部分。一、市場經濟法制建設的現狀與發展趨勢;二、市場經濟法律規制的認知模式? ?需要干預經濟關系論;三、經濟法學的反思與重構;四、宏觀調控權的解析與宏觀調控法的構建;五、市場規制的界定與市場規制法的構建;六、政府經濟功能的爭論對中國的啟示;七、司法改革的必然性與司法改革的走向。

The research of the thesis shows : optimize theory describes and makes the target as model , array , level , and deals with every scheme that determines the nature and quantitative factor chosen in unison that appraised , its result is objective , true , reliable , can plan making policy to offer scientific basis finally of overall arrangement for the route of the highway ; the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation assessment is simple , clear , practical , can make more factors participated in judging , and overcome the subjective and random that existed when chosen the route scheme ; level analytic approach promises high grade highway route overall arrangement scheme judge and carries out the tr ansition to from single factor index multifactor synthesis of index judge , and the result is convincible 論文研究表明:優化理論將描述與評價的對象模型化、序列化、層次化,并統一處理各方案比選中的定性與定量因素,其結果客觀、真實、可靠,能為公路路線規劃布局的最終決策提供科學依據;模糊綜合評判方法簡單、清晰、實用,能使更多的因素參與評判,克服了路線方案選擇時存在的主觀隨意性;層次分析法做到高等級公路路線布局方案由單因素指標評判過渡到多因素指標的綜合評判,結果具有說服力。

At present , however , there is still no convincible wags to mine transportation vechile scheduling , for all mathematical means we have is limited in solving this problem , and instructing science theory is wanted . in order to solve these problems , we usually with the help of heuristic method for decision - making and judgement - making in mine transportation vechile scheduling , so the development and invention of intelligence compute software is desperately needed 礦山運輸車輛調度過程復雜多變,現有的數學方法在解決此問題時還很不完善,缺乏科學的理論作指導。這些問題的解決,往往需要用啟發式方法( heuristicmethod )作出決策和判斷,這就有賴于智能計算軟件的開發和研制。

3 nine out of ten fables are convincible ; seven out of ten quotations , a little worse in convincing others . the unprejudiced word is the most valuable way of expression 語言文字的表達方式有許多種,其中有“寓言” ,有引圣人或受人尊重者之“重言”以及無相無住的“卮言”等。

In fact , precedents now are very important in many countries of the civil law , and have convincible force in practice 但在事實上,判例在許多國家已具有重要意義,甚至已成為事實上的法源。

He tries to collect and use some cases in order to make the paper more convincible . the paper has three parts 在具體研討過程中,我盡可能搜集和使用一些具體案例,以增強論文的說服力。

This experiment improves the prism experiment theoretically and hence gives more convincible experimental results 波束位移實驗從原理上避免了棱鏡實驗的缺陷,實驗結果更為可信。