
convince vt.1.使確信,說服,使承認。2.使悔悟;使認錯[罪]...


And now, my man, you've told the court a very convincing story . 我說,伙計,你已向庭上講了一個很叫人相信的故事。

It proved difficult to convince stans of the wisdom of this course . 我們發現很難說服斯坦斯理解這個方針的明智性。

The more i think of it , the more i 'm convinced there 's something fishy about it . 這件事我越想越覺得不對勁兒。

Convinced of the accuracy of the data , they stuck to their opinion . 由于深信數據準確無誤,他們堅持自己的意見。

Man became convinced that water was a vehicle for the transmission of diseases . 人們確信水是傳播疾病的媒介物。

Madeleine had convinced zelda that she too was exceptional . 馬德琳使得卓爾達相信,她是一個了不起的女人。

We are convinced that the customer will accept this new dashboard . 我們深信用戶將會接受這種新的儀表板。

On closer investigation you will be convinced of his dishonesty . 一經仔細調查,你就會相信他的不誠實。

The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her . 陪審團認為指控她有罪的證據很充分。

He is a great fish and i must convince him, he thought . 他想:這是一條大魚,我一定要叫它服服貼貼的。

He was convinced that government involvement would ruin the company . 他確信政府的干預會把公司毀掉。

Those arguments convinced the people to whom they were addressed . 那些議論使聽取它們的人深信不疑。

He was morally convinced that aileen should not have her way . 他在道義上認為,不能讓愛玲一意孤行。

The sidewinders were convinced as a morale booster . 響尾蛇導彈不過是用來充當鼓舞士氣的工具罷了。

None of the other ideas seems overwhelmingly be convincing . 看來其它觀點不具有壓倒一切的說服力。

They could order; i had to convince and persuade . 他們可以用命令行事,而我必須進行說服和勸導。

So far there is no convincing evidence that it is violated . 迄今為止還沒有它被破壞的確鑿證據。

Now i must convince him and then i must kill him . 現在我一定要叫它服貼,過后我一定要把它弄死。

I was convinced that what they learned would stick . 我已確信所學到的這些東西他們會永遠不忘。