
convictive adj.有說服力的,定罪的。adv.-ly


The rising temperature in the cave , the lamp - light ' s toasting and the convictive air made the humidity of the whole or part of the cave descend , which made the speleothem sightseeing dry , cracked and weathering . the acid air from the outer and the highly dense co2 would cause acid erode action to the speleothem sightseeing with water vapor . the existence of lamp - light offered a good chance for the lightloving plant to grow up , thus a lot of bryophyte covered the speleothem sightseeing 洞穴升溫、燈光的烘烤及空氣的對流致使洞穴濕度或局部濕度降低,使景觀產生干裂、風化;氣流帶入的洞外酸性氣體及高濃度co _ 2在高濕的條件下,結合水汽對洞穴景觀產生酸侵蝕作用;燈光的存在為燈光植物生長提供了條件,使大量的苔蘚類植物生長于鐘乳類景觀的表面;洞外大氣粉塵的進入,給洞穴帶來了非常嚴重的破壞,粉塵在洞內高濕的環境下大量沉降,附著于鐘乳類景觀的表面,致使受污染面發黑,毫無光澤。

A detailed analysis of the electrical properties of ato thin films was carried out in order to investigate the sb / sn atomic ratio and substrate temperature ' s influence on the ato thin film . a convictive explanation brought forward to illustrate the changing of the electrical ; properties of the ato thin film in different conditions 在溫度較低時( < 500 ) ,薄膜的方塊電阻隨成膜溫度的升高而降低;當基板溫度繼續升高,薄膜的方塊電阻隨基板溫度的升高而增大,這主要是因為玻璃基板中k ~ + 、 na ~ +離子向薄膜中的擴散。

First , we take the historic district into urban ecosystem to analyze its advantages and shortcomings on macroscopical level , to introduce active factors activating the commercial atmosphere ; then , deepen the discussion into building - unit and details . referring to a lot of convictive examples , we probe into the design elements , the methods of new space recreation and the continuity of historic information thoroughly . in the end , systematically analyze the “ xin tian di “ project in shanghai , china , we reiterate the major idea of this paper : only when the historic buildings and their environments have displayed corresponding “ faces “ the time endows them , they are animated 論文首先從宏觀入手,將歷史街區放入城市生態大系統中,從整體上分析能強化歷史街區商業區位與商業價值的相關因素,提出進行商業環境更新的指導原則,進而闡述增強商業環境活性的具體更新手法;其次,深化到歷史建筑及其細部設計的中、微觀層面,結合國內外優秀改建實例,對歷史建筑適應商業新功能的改建要素、室內空間更新手法以及在商業環境中創造歷史關聯性等各方面進行了深入探討。

Further more , most analysis lacks sufficient statistic data as a strong support . most of the analysis refer to or directly quote other foreign works and therefore the conclusions are less practical and convictive 尤其重要的是,由于我國對雇員流動的數據統計資料不足,這些分析大多參照或引用國外同行資料得出,因而其結論實用性、說服性不強。

After researching religiously i built up my own position in some particular areas . moreover , i made the normative analysis and the illustrational analysis in my research , so my thesis is quite convictive 前人的研究成果給了筆者很大的啟發,筆者經過認真分析和思考,對其中的一些觀點加以取舍,在一些具體問題上形成了自己的看法。

However , most of the existing research adopted the normative method as methodology . because of the lack of empirical evidence , the convictive power of most research is not strong enough 但是,現有研究大多是采用的規范研究的方法,由于缺乏實證證據,很多研究結論的說服力不強。

Where ' s the star on blade ? how to connect ? it ' s convictive to date by shape and technic of sword etc 星在條的什么地方,線是怎么連接,刀劍的形狀和打造工藝,等多方因素來斷代才有說服力

On convictive circumstances and their effect on forest - related crime 論定罪情節及其對涉林犯罪的影響

Your argument is not convictive enough 你的論據不太有說服力。