
conviction n.1.有罪判決,定罪。2.確信,堅信。3.服罪,【神學...


Massachusetts was not amenable to those who did not share the majority's convictions about, right and wrong . 馬薩諸塞州人不會聽命于那些在是非問題上不站在多數意見一邊的人。

When we reached the doctor's waiting room the conviction settled in me that my mother would never be well again . 我們到醫生的候診室時,我心里就深信媽媽的病是不會再好了。

He paused, strong in the conviction that he had sent the most dangerous arrow flying in the direction of cowperwood . 他停頓一下,深信他已經向柯帕烏放射了最危險的一箭。

When i press something on you, it is from a conviction that it is for your interest and for your good . 我每次勉強你做些什么事情,我自信都是為了你的利益,為了你的好處。

What was needed to appeal to the floating voters was the ability to inspire them with a sense of conviction . 吸引那些動搖不定的投票者所需要的是喚起這些人的堅定信念。

In this way the immovable moral convictions of vice people become linked with the defense of property . 這樣,正派人堅定不移的道德信念就同財產的保護連在一起了。

What gave me courage to voice this argument was the conviction that i would never see an angel . 我之所以有勇氣提出這一理由是因為我深信我永遠也不會見到天使的。

Archer had left her with the conviction that count olenski's accusation was not unfounded . 阿切爾離開她時就深信那個奧蘭斯基公爵的指控不是沒有根據的。

Work no longer could be an opiate anesthetizing him against his feelings and convictions . 他再也不用把工作當成麻醉自己情感與意愿的鴉片了。

This conviction takes him in different ways according to his temperament . 這種堅定的信念,根據各人不同的性格以不同的方式控制著他。

The conviction came as a shock, and she stood still in a flurry of thought . 這一肯定之后,她就象觸電一樣,站在那里不動,思緒紛集。

I had growing conviction that it was not myself but the loved one who was at fault . 我越來越相信,錯的不是我,而是我原來愛的人。

He was probably threatening as much from frustration as from conviction . 他進行威脅也許不僅是出自信念,而且也是由于感到沮喪。

The sense of security more frequently springs from habit than from conviction . 這種安全感與其說是來自信念,不如說是來自習慣。

This continues to be my profound conviction and my sincere intention . 這點仍然是我所懷抱的深切信念,也是我真誠的努力目標。

The case of the countess olenska had stirred up old settled convictions . 奧蘭斯卡伯爵夫人的官司攪亂了陳舊的習俗觀念。

Philosophers and physicists are arguing einstein's stubborn conviction . 哲學家和物理學家正在論證愛因斯坦的執著信念。

In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine . 大多數情況下他的這類瞎想最終都是虛驚一場。

He doubts the truth of your story, but is open to conviction . 他對你說的事有懷疑,但只要有證據,他是愿意信服的。