
convict vt.1.證明…有罪,宣告…有罪,定…的罪。2.使知罪,...

convict goods

If convicted , saddam could face death by hanging 如果罪名成立,薩達姆將被判處絞刑。

You ' re going to be convicted of raping that little brat 你會被定罪為強奸了那個小女孩

Now , let ' s hear what a convict has to say about this 現在我們看一下犯人對此有何看法

And if he ' s convicted of it , he ' s going to go away 如果他要為此而判刑,他將要離開。

Or even , it ' s the convict which is the impact 甚至,罪犯本身就是一種沖擊

Geary : get your ass on the line , convict 把你屁股挪到應該呆著的位置上去,你個囚犯。

This convict be able to choose the target of self 這個犯人會選擇自己的目標

He reported having seen the escaped convict 他報告說,他曾看見過那個逃犯。

That convict passed the entrance exam in prison 那名罪犯在獄中通過了聯考。

Good , we still will paintthe picture of convict 好了,我們還要畫犯人的肖像呢

They could be sentenced to death if convicted 一旦被判有罪,他們可能會被判處死刑。

And convicted of the murder of six peopie in a vioient rampage 被判兇殘殺害了六人

Now , convicted to death for attempted murder 現在,因故意殺人未遂被判處死刑

Also probably is that convict builds up the trap down 也可能是犯人設下的圈套

And convicted of the murder of six people in a violent rampage 被判兇殘殺害了六人

He was convicted of drug offences and deported 他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驅逐出境

The one who ' s managed to iose a convicted kiiier 那個打算放走現行犯兇手的人

If convicted , they face long prison terms 如果指控成立,他們將面臨長期監禁。

The one who ' s managed to lose a convicted killer 那個打算放走現行犯兇手的人