
conveyance n.1.運輸;輸送。2.運輸用具(車船等),輸送帶,搬運...


Dutiable goods are removed from a bonded warehouse to an exporting conveyance 應課稅貨品由保稅倉搬移至出口運輸工具;

The magneporta magnetic conveyance system versatile magnetic conveyance system , magneporta 各類磁力輸送機,磁力搬運機

Conveyance and its difficulty 表達及其困難

His conveyance of choice was no less expensive , but it was far more deadly 他選擇的座機不比那便宜,但遠遠致命得多。

“ conveyance “ means vessels , aircraft , trains and other motor vehicles “交通工具”指船舶、航空器、列車和其他車輛。

Dutiable goods are removed from an importing conveyance to a bonded warehouse 應課稅貨品從進口運輸工具移往保稅倉;

Transport tools from work areas by using hand trucks and other conveyances 負責用相關運輸設備從工作區域運載模具。

Hydraulic pressure test of long distance pressure water conveyance culvery junction 長距離有壓輸水箱涵接頭水壓試驗

The check and evaluate standard for quality of letter tray conveyance system 信盒處理系統安裝工程質量檢驗評定標準

Reasons and preventive measures of roadster accident in inclined alley conveyance 斜巷運輸跑車事故原因分析和預防

The conveyance package is the main process of improving the currency quality 運輸包裝是提高物流業質量的重要環節

A doctor and two soldiers followed the carriage in another conveyance 后邊跟著一輛大車,由醫生和兩名士兵乘坐。

Stamp duty on conveyance of land 土地轉讓印花稅

On conveyance of real right 關于準物權轉讓的探討

Conveyance loss of water in channel 渠道輸水損失

This elevator is only used for the conveyance of patients who lie in bed 這個電梯只被用來運送臥病在床的人。

Import & export data with the breakdown of conveyance ways 運輸方式分類:進出口商品以不同運輸方式進行統計。

Continuous conveyance system 新型連續運輸系統的開發

Import export data with the breakdown of conveyance ways 運輸方式分類:進出口商品以不同運輸方式進行統計。