
convey vt.1.輸送;搬運,轉運,運輸。2.傳達,傳遞;傳導;...


The basic definition of “communication“ is to succeed in conveying one's meaning to others . “通訊“一詞的基本含義是把某人的思想有效地傳遞給他人。

On the eleventh, he had an interview with the prime minister and tried to convey his misgivings . 十一日,他和首相有過一次會晤,想表示他的擔心。

I do not wish to convey any imputation when i call those good and learned men fossils . 我稱這些善良的學識淵博的人為保守派,絲毫沒有污蔑之意。

He held out his hand with a gesture which conveyed something of this inarticulate conflict . 他伸出手,做個手勢以表達他那難以言狀的矛盾心情。

He knows that human nature needs more lessons than a weekly sermon can convey . 他明白,人類的天性所需要的教導不是每星期一次講道理能解決的。

Streams of living water are poisoned by the cup that conveys them to the thirsty lips of mankind . 潺潺活水被為人類盛水止渴的杯子染上了毒。

Experiments in pneumatic conveying show that there exists a maximum particle concentration . 氣力輸送實驗表明,這里存著一個最大的顆粒濃度。

A lot of lecturers are unable adequately to convey their knowledge to their students . 許多講師都不能夠充分把自己的知識傳授給學生們。

We should emphasis our strength in order to convey a guarantee of security for them . 我們應強調我們的實力以使他們能得到安全的保證。

I hope i can also convey to you something of my pleasure in american literature . 我也希望能把我從美國文學中得到的樂趣與你們共享。

The slag normally is quenched in water and conveyed as a slurry to a disposal pile . 爐渣按慣例在水中驟冷,并制成木漿送往堆置場。

It was one of the main arteries which conveyed the traffic of the city to the north and west . 那是市區通向西北的一條交通大動脈。

The word image was futile unless it conveyed essential meaning about life . 語言意象除非表達生活的本質意義,否則就沒有價值。

Ash is conveyed to the disposal point at power plants in various ways . 在發電廠粉灰通過不同的方式運送到處理地點。

He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings , casting arch glances at them . 他乘機百般撩撥,眉目傳情。

Carlson conveyed genuine respect for the different jobs people do . 卡爾森對人們做的各種工作表示了真正的尊重。

My letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents . 有時候收信人讀到我的信,只覺得不知所云。

Kerouac does manage now and then to convey a whitmanesque ecstasy . 凱魯亞克有時確能傳達那種惠特曼式神韻。

She realized that he was trying to convey to her that he was lonely . 她體會到他是盡力向他表示他的寂寞。