
convertible adj.1.可轉換的;可轉變的;可改裝的;可兌換的。2....

convertible husbandry

Oh , and a brand - new convertible 哦,還能得到嶄新的敞篷車

Must be convertible to data type 的數據類型必須能夠轉換為

How convertible deposit works 高息外幣投資存款如何運作?

Uh , well , actually , phil , we ' re here to buy a convertible 嗯,菲爾,事實上我們是來這里買一部敞篷車

Convertible authenticated encryption scheme with message linkages 具有消息鏈接的可轉換的認證加密方案

Financing arrangements in the form of assets convertible to securities 資產證券化融資安排風險投資

Its value must be convertible to 類型,它的值必須可以轉換為

Did i mention the vintage convertible 剛才我說過葡萄園嗎?

A study on the scope definition of convertible bond issuing 關于對可轉換債券融資發行范圍的確定研究

Optimal exit of venture capital with convertible preferred equity 可轉換優先股與風險投資的有效退出

An automobile with a folding top ; a convertible coupe 篷式汽車帶有可折疊篷頂的汽車;敞篷小轎車

A study on utility of convertible bonds to invests - compounding 可轉換債券在投資組合中的效用研究

Type expression not convertible to 類型表達式不能轉換為字符串。

Flows perfectly in a convertible 坐在敞篷車里頭發還飄得那么好看

The red convertible was following us 那部紅色敞篷車正跟著我們。

The expression type must be implicitly convertible to 時捕獲異常;表達式類型必須可以隱式轉換為

Stock is convertible into cash or other negotiable securities 股票可換成現金或其他有價證券。

A pricing analysis of multiperiodic convertible exchangeable bonds 上海股票市場的一個實證研究

Your objective is simple . you have to buy a convertible 你們的目標很簡單你們得買一輛敞篷車