
convertibility n.可改變,可變換;可兌換,可轉化性,可轉變性。


In the event , the convertibility undertaking was introduced in 1998 under the stressful circumstances of which we are all aware 年推出兌換保證時,其實亦是本港面對重重壓力的時刻。

Convertibility rate , backing arrangement for coins and treatment of interest payments on exchange fund paper 適用于兌換保證的匯率、硬幣的支持安排及外匯基金票據債券所付利息的處理

The hong kong dollar exchange rate stayed close to the convertibility rate , within a narrow range of 7 . 7980 - 7 . 8000 ( 港元匯率在7 . 7980至7 . 8000之間窄幅上落,貼近兌換保證匯率(

The hkma operates convertibility undertakings on both the strong side and the weak side of the linked rate of 7 . 80 金管局提供港元匯率強于及弱于聯系匯率7 . 80的水平的雙向兌換保證。

This commitment is backed by transparent arrangements , at the centre of which is an explicit convertibility undertaking 履行這項承諾的安排極具透明度,并以明確的兌換保證為依歸。

Under the strong - side convertibility undertaking , the hkma undertakes to buy us dollars from licensed banks at 7 . 75 根據強方兌換保證,金管局承諾在7 . 75的水平向持牌銀行買入美元。

This explicit convertibility undertaking is a clear demonstration of the government s commitment to the linked exchange rate system 此舉清楚表明政府維持聯系匯率制度的決心。

It is the intention of the hkma to move the rate of the convertibility undertaking to 7 . 80 when market circumstances permit 當市況許可時,金管局會將兌換保證適用的匯率轉為

Agents ' knowledge and belief have the features such as reflexibility and knowledge - belief convertibility 摘要理性認知主體的知識與信念具有可反省性、知識向信念轉化等特征。

Convertibility rate , backing arrangement for coins and treatment of interest payments on exchange fund paper 兌換保證匯率硬幣支持安排,以及外匯基金票據和債券利息的處理

Indeed , the convertibility undertaking was triggered on the very first day we started operations , 1 october 1999 日正式啟用當日,已因應市場需求進行了兌換保證的交易。

If the exchange rate hits either of the convertibility undertakings , then there will be an interest rate response 一旦匯率觸發強方或弱方兌換保證,利率便會相應變動。

This issue should be revisited when the convertibility rate for the aggregate balance converged to 7 . 80 此議題應在適用于總結馀的兌換匯率達到7 . 80水平后重新討論。

This convertibility between the two forms of code shows that there s a high degree of compatibility 這兩種代碼形式之間的相互轉換表明二者之間具有很高的兼容性。

Becauseof it convertibility feature , many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not 因為它的可兌換性,有很多投資者來比喻他們權證時,其實卻不然

The sub - committee considered a paper re - examining the convertibility arrangements for the aggregate balance 委員會成員審閱一份重新檢討總結馀兌換安排的文件。

Under the weak - side convertibility undertaking , the hkma undertakes to sell us dollars at 7 . 85 根據弱方兌換保證,金管局承諾在7 . 85的水平向持牌銀行出售美元。

Outside of this period , the convertibility undertaking had been activated once , on 30 april 7 . 8官方匯率的水平。在報告期以外,曾于

First , the current convertibility and transferability arrangements do look a little untidy 第一,現有的兌換及轉換安排確實稍欠統一。