
convert vt.1.變換,轉換,轉化;更改,改造,改裝。2.使改變...


A living organism would take in the radioactive carbon and convert it to organic material . 有生命的有機體會吸收具有放射的碳,并把它轉化為有機物質。

Birdsong's purchase of five extinguishers, which had been converted to bombs, was also attested . 伯德桑購買后來改裝成炸彈的滅火器也得到了證實。

An image of the object is projected by the object lens on to the photocathode of an image converting tube . 物象通過物鏡投影在變像管的光陰極上。

A portion of the soluble organics removed are converted to biological cell material . 被去除的一部分可溶的有機物質轉化為含有生物細胞的有機物。

In this way and by means of much talk he succeeded in converting a few to his party . 用這個辦法,費了不少唇舌,他把一些人爭取到他的一邊來。

Janders fought back: “you're converting any more old whalers, brother hale? “ 詹德爾斯反唇相譏:“你有沒有再招到老捕鯨手當信徒,黑爾兄弟?”

methoxy 1 groups are split off with boiling hi and converted to . 甲氧基用沸騰的碘氫酸分解,使甲氧基脫落并轉為甲基碘。

The process in which substances are converted to their constituent atoms is called “cracking“ . 物質轉變為其組成的原子的過程叫做“裂解”。

A few years before his death he perfected a method of converting bagasse into paper pulp . 在他去世前幾年,他改進了用甘蔗渣制紙漿的方法。

The process in which substances are converted to their constituent atoms is called “cracking. “ 物質轉變為其組成原子的過程叫做“裂解。”

Electrical energy is so useful because it is readily converted into other kinds 電能是非常有用的,因為它可以很容易地轉換成其他能量形式。

Substantial amounts of land may have to be converted from irrigated to dryland farming systems . 大量土地可能不得不從灌溉轉為旱地耕作。

For the most part they had converted their small prebends into sizable paunches . 他們中的大部分人已靠著小小的俸祿養成了大腹便便者。

“certainly“, remarked harlow, pretending to be suddenly converted to owen's view . “當然”,哈洛說,他假裝突然贊同歐文的意見了。

I convert the crisp fat in joe's breakfast bacon into fatty acids and glycerol . 我把喬早餐吃的熏肉中的脆肥肉轉變成脂肪酸和甘油。

The old barn we bought to convert into flats was practically tumbling down . 那個舊谷倉我們買下想改建住房的,實際上已經快塌了。

At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle . 同時把該頂點處多角形的角轉換成平角。

We promised to convert our entire fleet of cars to front-wheel-drive technology . 我們允諾要把所有汽車都改用前輪驅動工藝。

The products of photosynthesis are also converted into other complex substances . 光合作用的產物還轉變為其他的復雜物質。