
conversion n.1.變換,轉化,轉換;換算,換位。2.(意見、信仰等...

conversion parity

This topic describes the following conversion issues 本主題描述下列轉換問題:

Here are some examples of conversion specifications 下面是轉換規范的一些示例。

Conversion of cyrillic alphabets of slavic languages 斯拉夫語西里爾字母表的轉化

However , you can use conversion keywords such as 但是,可以使用轉換關鍵字,例如

With the other type conversion keywords , see 與其他類型轉換關鍵字的比較,請參見

If no conversion is defined between the two types -如果在兩種類型之間未定義轉換

Terminology relating to photovoltaic solar energy conversion 光伏太陽能轉換術語

A conversion must be possible between the two types 兩種類型之間必須能夠轉換。

Phenylketonuria is a condition in which phenylalanine to tyrosine conversion is diminished because the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylaze is deficient . 苯丙酮酸尿癥是一種由于苯丙氨酸羥化酶缺乏,苯丙氨酸轉變成酪氨酸的過程被削弱的病。

Even in those quite rare cases where currency exchanges are unrestricted, conversion of income data between currencies is biased . 甚至在那些貨幣兌換不受限制的罕見情況下,收入數據在不同貨幣間進行換算,依然會有偏差。

The more serious bypassing in large units, if not countered, may cause a significant drop in conversion for such processes . 在較大型裝置中氣竄較為嚴重,如不加以考慮則會引起這類過程轉化率顯著下降。

Under normal conditions the contacting of solids by the bubble gas contributed significantly to the overall conversion of gas . 在正常條件下,氣泡相體與固體顆粒的接觸對氣體的總轉化率的影響很大。

With methyl methacrylate the particle diameter increases linearly with conversion indicating particle aggregation . 采用甲基丙烯酸甲酯時,粒子直徑隨轉化率呈直線增大,這就表明粒子發生了聚集。

The conversion of observed reflection time to a correct geometrical picture of the subsurface involves a number of steps . 將觀察的反射波時間轉換成正確的地下界面幾何圖形,需經過好些步驟。

It is that energy conversion that is responsible for the violent impact against the earth that generates the seismic signal . 就是這種能量轉換引起對地層的猛烈沖擊,從而產生了地震信號。

Since the form of the conversion expression should differ in these two regimes, we shall consider them separately . 由于在這種狀態轉化率的表達形式不同,將分別加以敘述。

Few of the intermediates or enzymes involved in these conversions have been isolated from higher plants . 在這些轉變中包含的少數中間產物或酶已經從高等植物中分離出來。

My real reason for being is that i am capable of baffling, almost miraculous, chemical conversions . 我存在的真正原因是我能完成驚人的,幾乎是奇跡般的化學轉化工作。

Chemical carcinogens generally require metabolic conversion to some form of “ultimate“ carcinogen . 化學致癌物一般需要通過代謝來轉換成某種形式的“最終”致癌物。