
converse 短語和例子converse1vi.,n.1.〔書面語〕談...

converse proposition

They then perceived two men conversing in the obscurity 他們發覺有兩個人正在陰影星談話。

An analysis of paradox of converse inductive method 逆推歸納法悖論探析

Of conversing easily with people i have never met before 遇到向來不認識的人也能任情談笑

Study of converse rounds scheduling method in round robin 循環賽中倒輪次編排方法的研究

Dad loves to converse with people from all walks of life 爸爸喜歡和各行各業的人聊天。

90 between master disciple conversing with master beyond space and time 南非嚴一之師姊

Millstones - the mutual converse of human society 磨石社會上人與人之間彼此的交流。

1 . frequency conversing timing at main machine entry 1主機進口變頻調速。

Adam and eve conversed with god in the garden of eden 在伊甸園?亞當和夏娃跟神溝通。

Did you converse with her for that short moment 那段時間你有沒有和她交談?

Perspective and its application in converse drawing 透視圖在反求設計中的應用

3 . frequency conversing timing , auto high - position halt 3變頻調速高位停車。

Sonya began to converse with mademoiselle bourienne 索尼婭同布里安小姐攀談。

Would you give me half an hour to converse with you 我想跟你談談,半小時就行

The managers converse about policy frequently 經理們常常討論公司的政策和制度。

These children of the woods stood together for several moments, pointing at the crumbling edifice, and conversing in the unintelligible language of their tribe . 這些森林之子一塊兒站了一會兒,指著這座傾圯的木屋,用他們那難懂的土話說了些什么。

Etiquette required that she should wait, immovable as an idol, while the men who wished to converse with her succeeded each other at her side . 禮節要求女士只能象木偶似的規規矩矩坐著,等想跟她搭訕的人一個接著一個到她旁邊來。

“i certainly have not the talent which some people possess,“ said darcy, “of conversing easily with those i have never seen before. “ 達西說:“我的確不像人家那樣有本領,遇到向來不認識的人也能任情談笑。”

The villagers began to gather, loitering a moment in the vestibule to converse in whispers about the sad event . 村里的人們開始集合,在走廊里逗留了片刻的工夫,以便互相耳語,談談這樁不幸的事情。