
conversazione n.(pl. conversaziones, 〔意大利語...


The study combines census survey with sample survey , conversazione with data analysis and theories with experience to form the technological route of experiencing , generalizing and researching simultaneously 本研究采取普查與抽樣調查相結合、座談調研與查找資料相結合、理論與實踐相結合,邊實踐、邊總結、邊研究的技術路線。

As far as the students are concerned , the problems , which are found by conducting questionnaires and individual conversaziones , lies in their self - centered , selfish and lack of self - esteem 通過問卷調查和個別座談相結合,得出結論,中學生方面的問題主要是在以自我為中心、狹隘自私,不能誠懇待人,缺乏自尊自愛意識。

The conversazione was held successfully . many students delivered their resumes and exchanged ideas about the questions they concerned with 整個座談會氣氛活躍,掌聲不斷。會后同學們向林斌博士投遞了簡歷,并且就一些關心的問題交換了意見。

Mr . tsung - dal lee , the nobelist in physics , had a conversazione with students and teachers from physics school of peking university on september , 15 2003年9月15日,諾貝爾物理獎獲得者李政道先生與北大物理學院師生座談。

After this , the excitement that couldn ' t be expressed had followed me all the time until the end of the conversazione 此后,一種難以用語言表達的興奮一直伴隨著我,直到座談會的結束。