
conversationalist 短語和例子conversation(al)istn.1....


If i feel your relaxed atmosphere , maybe i will be attracted to it . because i love this kind of cool atmosphere . and then i will probably inch myself in your direction and ask you something , and then we can be a couple of good conversationalists 如果我感受到你們輕松自然的氣氛,也許就會被吸引過來,因為我喜歡這種清涼的氣氛,可能會走到你們身邊問一些事情,然后我們可以聊得很愉快,聊一些超乎你們想像的話題。

The fan came in also as a beautiful adjunct to conversation , the conversationalist opening , waving and closing it , as an american old man would take off his spectacles and put them on again during a speech , and was just as beautiful to look at 扇也成為談話的可愛的附屬物,談話者把扇時而張著,時而揮著,時而摺起來,有如美國的老人家在演講時把眼鏡再三架在鼻上又拿掉一樣,看來頗為悅目。

To americans , polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust , shock or sadness 對他們來說,有禮貌的談話者應該靠著表示出驚喜、討厭、吃驚或悲哀的表情來與別人心領神會。

I find she is a good conversationalist , very lively . she never takes life too seriously , always looking on the positive side of situations 方是一個很健談很有朝氣的女孩,對待工作和生活,她無比熱情和投入。

Sit back with a smile as you watch as one hand - waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another 當你看到一位手舞足蹈的健談的人,就會微笑著停下來看著他,這也是激發了另一個人的鏡像反應。

1 barber : a brilliant conversationalist , who occasionally shaves and cuts hair 理發師:一個非常聰明的交談對象,偶爾也給人理發,刮胡子。

He was one of the most exhausting conversationalists that ever lived 他是以往存在過的最詳盡論述的健談者。