
conversational adj.1.會話的,談話的。2.健談的,善應酬的。


Analysis on conversational implicature and cooperative principle in english language 英語語言中會話含義和合作原則的產生及發展研究

Another ritual difference is the kind of small talk14 used as conversational filler 另一禮節上的不同是用來填補交談內容的閑談。

And we have this criminal ' s conversational with wakatabe prime minister 另外除了恐嚇聲明外還有罪犯與若田部首相的通話錄音

On the non monotonic logical nature of pragmatic inference in conversational implicature 會話含義推導中的非單調邏輯屬性

Storing conversational state in the database can be prohibitively expensive 在數據庫中存儲會話狀態的成本可能難以承受。

D . ask client to repeat . repeat in conversational or loud tones if needed 囑受檢者重復。必要時可用談話語調或大聲重復。

Conversational repair strategy 溝通修補策略

Conversational control module 會話型控制模塊

On conversational implicature from an analysis of the violation of cooperative principle 從違反合作原則看會話含義

Mode , conversational operation 交談式操作模態

Application of conversational implication and politeness in verbal communication 會話含意與禮貌在言語交際中的應用

It enables you to learn conversational and written chinese the easiest way 學習中文會話和寫作從此變得輕松簡單。

A pragmatic account of the discourse marker quot; and quot; in conversational interaction 在會話互動中的語用功能

Reading and written english required . conversational english is a bonus 須具有英語讀寫能力。口語能力佳者優先。

Conversational algebraic language 交談式代數語言

Listening comprehension and pronunciation is key to conversational english 聽力理解和發音是英語會話的關鍵。

Two - side conversational translation teaching model : origin and explanation 兩度對話翻譯教學模式的產生與闡釋

On the martin buder conversational philosophy and its influence on psychology 布伯的對話哲學對心理學的影響

The voip expert displays h . 323 conversational data in three separate graphs 專家以三種獨立的圖形顯示h