
conversation n.1.會話,談話;會談 (on; about); (人...

conversation piece

The conversation was spirited . 大家談得興高采烈。

The conversation plunged straight into some burning questions . 談話直接進入熱點問題。

A lively conversation went on with everybody joining in . 你一言,我一語,談得很熱鬧。

He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers . 他經常與陌生人搭訕。

The trouble is that i can not use them in conversation . 問題在于我不能在會話中應用。

She does not shine in conversation . 她不擅長談話。

Her manner and conversation struck him as strange . 她的神態和言談使他感到有些異樣。

I overheard scraps of conversation between them . 我聽到了他們相互間談話的一些片斷。

They are fit for conversation . 他們很適于娓娓清談。

This is a stupid conversation . 這種話談起來多荒唐。

Philip changed the conversation . 菲利浦換了個話題。

He only heard the fag end of their conversation . 他只聽到他們交談中無足輕重的部分。

At least in the diningroom you get some conversation . 在餐廳至少還能和人說說話呢。

The conversation was rather flat . 這次談話十分單調。

The conversation took a high turn . 談話談起興頭來了。

She could not win him, however, to any conversation . 不過,她老是沒辦法逗他說話。

She does not take part in conversation . 她沒加入談話。

His conversation is so enlightened, so clear . 他的談話是那么有啟發性,那么明白。

We were cut off in the middle of our conversation . 我們正交談時,線路被切斷了。