
conversant adj.1.親近的,有交情的。2.精通…的,熟悉…的。3...


I say you understand this , because you are as conversant with my affairs as i am ; indeed , i think you understand them better , since i am ignorant of what has become of a considerable portion of my fortune , once very tolerable , while i am sure , madame , that you know perfectly well 我說你能理解的原因是,因為你對于我的財務是象我自己一樣熟悉的。甚至我以為你更清楚,因為在我那從前還非常可觀的財產中,其中有相當大的一部分我不知道到哪兒去了,而你則不然,夫人,我肯定你知道得清清楚楚。

“ our international students give the campus a very strong multicultural feeling . one of our important goals at hku is not just to increase these international student numbers , but to provide our local graduates with a global outlook , so that they are conversant with the critical issues facing the nations of today s world “ , professor john spinks , senior advisor to the vice chancellor at hku added 香港大學校長資深顧問史秉士教授續說:我們的國際生已為校園添上濃厚的多種族多元化色彩,但我們并非單純為求增加國際生數目,而是希望為本地生提供廣闊的世界視野,令他們熟悉今日世界各國正面對的重要議題,這是香港大學其中一個重要的目標。

Stands must be manned by authorized and competent representatives of the exhibitor at all times during the exhibition . such representatives must be fully conversant with the exhibitor s products andor services and shall be duly authorized to negotiate and conclude contracts for the sale of the exhibitor s products or services 在展會期間的任何時間,攤位均須有參展商授權且勝任的代表在場,此等代表必須完全熟悉參展商的產品和或服務,而且獲得正式授權為參展商產品或服務的銷售談判和簽訂合同。

“ our international students give the campus a very strong multicultural feeling . one of our important goals at hku is not just to increase these international student numbers , but to provide our local graduates with a global outlook , so that they are conversant with the critical issues facing the nations of today s world “ , professor john spinks , senior advisor to the vice chancellor at hku added 香港大學校長資深顧問史秉士教授續說:我們的國際生已為校園添上濃厚的多種族多元化色彩,但我們并非單純為求增加國際生數目,而是希望為本地生提供廣闊的世界視野,令他們熟悉今日世界各國正面對的重要議題,這是香港大學其中一個重要的目標。

Mr peter pang , chief executive officer of the hkmc , said , “ the current approval turnaround time for mip applications is within two days . as most banks have become fully conversant with the eligibility criteria and underwriting standard of the mip , the hkmc is confident that it can delegate the underwriting of the more straightforward mip applications to the originating banks without affecting the asset quality of the insured mortgages 按揭證券公司總裁彭醒棠先生說:現時的按揭保險申請大部份都可以于兩天內完成批核。由于很多銀行對按揭保險計劃的審批要求及資格準則已相當熟悉,按揭證券公司有信心讓銀行直接批核一些比較簡單的按揭保險申請,將不會影響受保按揭的資產質素,并可加快整個批核程序,為有意置業人士帶來方便。

Miss cathy - conversant with no bad deeds except her own slight acts of disobedience , injustice , and passion , rising from hot temper and thoughtlessness , and repented of on the day they were committed - was amazed at the blackness of spirit that could brood on and cover revenge for years , and deliberately prosecute its plans without a visitation of remorse 凱蒂小姐完全沒接觸過任何罪惡的行徑,只有她自己因暴躁脾氣或輕率而引起的不聽話,誤解,或發發脾氣而已。而總是當天犯了,當天就會改過因此對于人的心靈深處能夠盤算和隱藏報復心達好多年,而且一心要實現他的計劃卻毫無悔恨之念,這點使凱瑟琳大為驚奇。

Also , the paper creates a new principle of quit - orientation , thoroughly analyzes the double layers of entrust - agency relation while vc being invested in ve by using the theory of entrust - agency . on the basis of using information theory , enterprise management theory and related financial theories , with the considerations of the present condition of management of ve in china . the paper points out that there is great necessity for vc to interfere in the management of ve , further more , vc must effectively control risks by means of conversant design , financial tools selection , stage financing and managerial arrangement 運用委托代理理論對風險投資資金注入風險企業后形成的風險投資與風險企業、風險企業股東與經理人之間的雙重委托代理關系做出深入的分析,并在運用信息認論、公司治理理論、相關金融理論的基礎上結合我國當前風險企業管理現狀,指出風險投資應當介入風險企業的管理以突破信息不對稱狀態,并通過風險投資契約的設置、金融工具的選擇、分期投資機制的設置、治理結構的安排來控制動態風險。

S employed it in manoeuvring his yacht round the island , studying it as a skilful horseman would the animal he destined for some important service , till at the end of that time he was perfectly conversant with its good and bad qualities 唐太斯用這一段時間反復研究他的游艇,象個老練的騎師研究他那將委以重任的駿馬一樣。終于他完全摸清了游艇的優點和缺點,他準備盡量發揮其優點,彌補其它的缺點。

It was still more impossible to remain in the department of the oise , one of the most open and strictly guarded in france ; this was quite out of the question , especially to a man like andrea , perfectly conversant with criminal matters 他也不能留在瓦茲區,這是法國藏身最困難和防衛最嚴密的省份之一,象安德烈這樣的一位犯罪專家,知道要在這一帶隱匿起來是非常困難的。

“ the better reason for my not being conversant with the slang of the bank , which is here dinning in my ears from morning to night ; that noise of jingling crowns , which are constantly being counted and re - counted , is odious to me “我很慶幸自己沒染上那種俗氣,沒學會那種從早到晚在我耳邊喋喋不休的銀行慣用語。那種丁丁當當把錢數了又數的聲音簡直聽得我煩死了。

Here the conversant ' s tone can consciously or unconsciously reflect intuitive sympathy or antipathy , lack of concern or interest , fatigue , anxiety , enthusiasm or excitement , all of which are usually discernible by the acute listener 所有這些通過他的語調有意無意地表現出來,但是對一個敏銳的聽眾來說,仍然是聽得出來的。

The corporation will develop a set of robust operational procedures to the satisfaction of government departments concerned for the operation of drl train and ensure that its staff is fully conversant with the operation 地鐵公司會就?士尼?訂立一套經有關政府部門通過的運作程序,并確保其職員熟悉有關運作。

There was not a word of all that moses commanded , which joshua read not before all the congregation of israel , with the women , and the little ones , and the strangers that were conversant among them 35摩西所吩咐的一切話,約書亞在以色列全會眾和婦女,孩子,并他們中間寄居的外人面前,沒有一句不宣讀的。

The aim is to develop a civil service which communicates effectively in both chinese and english and is generally conversant in cantonese , putonghua and english 政府繼續致力推動公務員多用中文;最終目標,是培養中英文俱佳和普遍能操流利廣東話、普通話以及英語的公務員。

More months , to the number of twelve , had come and gone , and mr . charles darnay was established in england as a higher teacher of the french language who was conversant with french literature 十二個月來了又去了。查爾斯.達爾內先生在英格蘭取得了優秀法語教師的地位。

It is the government s policy to develop and maintain a civil service that is proficient in both written chinese and english and conversant in cantonese , putonghua and english 政府的目標是培養和維持一支中英兼擅,能操廣東話、普通話和英語的公務員隊伍。

Charles darnay was established in england as a higher teacher of the french language who was conversant with french literature 查爾斯.達爾內先生熟悉法國文學,在英格蘭取得了優秀法語教師的地位。

Those who are conversant and comfortable with object - oriented programming will find it an ideal environment 那些熟悉并已適應了面向對象編程的人員將發現它是一個理想環境。

I don ' t know , youthfulness , shaving presents a clean face to the onlooker , conversant 我也不知道,對年輕人來說,刮胡子給旁人一個干凈的面孔會顯得平易近人。 ”