
convergent evolution 趨同進化。

convergent lens

But the recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all three groups undermines the attempt to explain away superficial resemblance as due to convergent evolution ? the independent development of similarities between unrelated groups in response to similar environmental pressures 但是,最近的發現,這三種動物的鰭足的骨骼結構都有詳細的類似之處,這個發現削弱了下文的企圖,即把表面上的類似解釋為趨同進化的結果? ?是指類似結構的獨立發展,在不相關的種群之間,對于類似的環境壓力的反應。

Convergent evolution ( convergence ) the development of similar ( analogous ) structures in unrelated organisms as result of living in similar ecological conditions 趨同進化(趨同性) :發生在完全不同的物種或類群中,由于生活在極為相似的環境條件下,經過選擇作用而出現相類似的性狀。