
convergent adj.1.漸集一點的,會聚性的;包圍集中的。2.【數學...

convergent evolution

Data at the publisher and subscriber can be non - convergent for a number of reasons 發布服務器和訂閱服務器上的數據可能由于以下若干原因具有非收斂性:

Newton method is favorable for the reason that it has two - convergent ratio under some conditions 眾所周知, newton法在一定的條件下具有二階收斂性。

Noise directivity of impinging jet from a small diameter axis ymmetric convergent nozzle on a large flat plate 低速沖擊載荷下加筋板彈塑動力響應分析

Results the experiments have shown that the proposed algorithm has good convergent performance 結果模擬實驗顯示,導出的自適應算法能夠很好收斂。

Theorem 1 ( uniqueness of limit ) if the sequence is convergent , then its limit is unique 定理1 (極限的唯一性)如果數列收斂,那么它的極限唯一。

The treatment for acute exercise - induced ankle sprain by eight - convergent points and centro - square needling 針刺治療急性運動性踝關節扭傷

Under certain conditions , the sqp - filter method is proved to be globally convergent 在一定的條件下, sqp -過濾器算法具有全局收斂性。

And a convergent algorithm for solving the network capacity model is pointed out 對人才網絡和信息網絡的調控也可利用該關系作參考。

This area was in an arc and rear - arc basin on convergent plates in the middle devonian 其巖石化學及地球化學顯示島弧火山巖特征。

Convergent rate of iteration for one class of poly - stages decision process equation 一類多階段決策過程方程迭代算法的收斂速度

A class of global convergent memory gradient methods and its linear convergence rate 一類全局收斂的記憶梯度法及其線性收斂性

Convergent pencil of rays 會聚光線束

Convergent double series 收斂二重級數

Film between history and aesthetics : convergent glances or incompatible points of view 相互交叉的眼光還是互不相容的視點

The convergent inclination in universities is the result of legality mechanism 高校的趨同性正是合法性機制作用的結果。

Under mild conditions , we show that the algorithm is globally convergent 在較弱的條件下,我們證明了算法的全局收斂性。

Regularly convergent series 正則收斂級數

Convergent power series ring 收斂冪級數環

Some estimators about approximations and convergent rates for operator semigroups 算子半群逼近及收斂速度的幾個估計式