
convergency n.1.聚合,會聚,輻輳,匯合。2.集合點;【數、物】收...


The two - dimensional henon chaotic nonlinear map is effectively controlled by the proposed approach . secondly , because of the distinguished advantages , such as rapid convergency and strong approachability , the rbf networks is trained as chaotic controller by ogy scheme , then successful of controlling the henon chaotic map 其次,利用一種學習過程收斂速度快、擬合能力強的rbf神經網絡,以ogy法為依據,訓練網絡成為混沌控制器,仍以henon映射作為混沌控制對象,對其混沌行為實施了成功控制。

Urban identity is a highly concerned topic in recent years . this dissertation examines the convergency of urban architectural scene on the basis of globalization , with broad reference to the achievements of contemporary sociology , economics , system science , self - organization theory and the relevant urban researches 自組織理論及相關城市研究的成果,在全球化的背景下探討城市建筑風貌的趨同現象,并從全球系統的角度闡明了該現象的內在根源,提出其中存在基于市場化建設體制的自組織機制作用

The direct solution for u ~ u and u ~ p form , the stagger solution for u ~ p form are compared in the convergency , stability and efficiency , from which it is concluded that the first solution used not widely before is characterized with weakly ill - conditioned stiffness and comparatively high efficiency . the finite element methods based on these three solving procedures are numerically implemented . the seabed soil under wave pressure with small amplitude can be viewed as elastic material 詳細比較廣義biot理論u u形式直接解法、 u p形式直接解法與交叉迭代法求解彈性、彈塑性問題的收斂性、穩定性與計算效率,認為以往較少應用的u u形式直接解法剛度陣病態性弱,求解效率高,更適合土工問題的數值模擬,小風浪作用下海床的動力響應特性可視為彈性的。

This thesis contains six parts , the first part is about the introduction which mainly discusses the research background thesis frame mostly innovation and mostly conceptions ; the second one is mainly about the summarization of theory which summarizes the theory of corporation cluster correlated with manufacturing base ; the third one is mainly about the discussion of the mutual action between zhejiang province advanced manufacturing tee and human resource supporting from the academic angle , namely the inducement factor of manufacturing base is human resource , meanwhile the the formation of manufacturing base will drive the convergency of human resource ; the fourth one is mainly about the discussion of mutual action between the advanced manufacturing base and the human resource supporting from positivism angle , which dissertates the state of human resource of the four overseas manufacturing base and the domestic manufacturing base of changjiang river triangle area zhujiang river triangle area and the rounding bohai area ; the fifth one mainly discusses the actuality of current manufacturing base in zhejiang province and the cause , and the conclusion is that the mutual action between the manufacturing base of zhejiang province and human resource hasn “ t formed ; the sixth one mainly bring forword the corresponding measure which can promote the mutual action between the advanced manufacturing base of zhejiang and human resource supporting 本文共包括六塊內容,第一塊內容是緒論部分,主要論述了選題背景、論文框架、主要創新點和主要概念的界定;第二塊內容是有關的理論綜述部分,對與制造業基地相關的企業集群理論進行了歸納總結;第三部分是從理論的角度論述了先進制造業基地同人才支撐之間存在著互動關系,即在制造業基地形成以人才為主要的誘導因素,而在制造業基地形成后又會對人才的集聚產生推動作用;第四部分則是從實證角度分析了先進制造業基地同人才支撐之間存在著互動關系,其中分別討論了國外的四大世界制造業基地和國內長三角、珠三角和環渤海灣制造業基地的人才流動狀況;第五部分主要論述了浙江省當前制造業基地存在的一些現狀及其原因,得出了浙江省當前的制造業基地還沒有同人才形成有效的互動關系;第六部分主要是提出了促進先進制造業基地同人才支撐形成互動的相應措施。

Abstract : a continuous type inferential control algorithm and the proof of the stability and the convergency of the inferential control system are given in this paper . the system has the performance of convergency and robustness . the algorithm which is simple and has only one adjustable parameter q and has been successfully used for the servo control of the tension of the film in the metallized film capacitor automatic winding machine and we get a satisfactory result 文摘:給出了一種適用于工程常見的二階對象的連續型推理控制算法,以及推理控制系統的穩定性和收斂性證明.該系統無差、穩定,且具有較好的魯棒性.該控制算法簡單,僅有一可調參數q ,并成功地應用于薄膜電容器全自動卷繞機中作為快速張力伺服控制,取得滿意效果

The dissertation has expounded following aspects : the shanghai ' s position in the publication history before it was forced to open up ; the city ' s convergency effect and the formation of three publication systems : missionary publication , government publication , and civilian publication ; the strengthening of publication ' s modernity and the rising of national publication ; the interrelation and integration of publication and city ; the relation between publication and shanghai ' s city civilization . thus , it has revealed the impetus and the developping process of modern shanghai publication ' s sharp rising 通過對上海開埠前在出版史坐標系中的位置、都市的集聚效應與教會出版、官辦出版、民辦出版三大出版系統的形成、出版現代性的增強與民族出版業的崛起、出版業與都市社會、出版業與都市文化的互動與整合等方面的論述,清晰地揭示了近代上海出版業迅速崛起的動力因素和發展軌跡。

On one hand , numerical derivatives provide proper search directions in optimization , therefore their accuracy is of great importance for fast convergency . on the other hand , derivative evaluation is one of the most time - consuming steps in optimization 當前的高性能數學規劃算法大都依賴于導數計算以快速收斂到最優點,所以對求導精度的要求比較高;而導數計算所消耗的時間占優化時間的比例又非常的大。

On the base of these studies , author bring forward the research achievements , which is the urban - meaning of atrium in commercial building on four aspect of convergency , flow , continuity , open , and parse particular embodiment of the meaning on lay of urban design 在研究的基礎上提出了商業建筑中庭空間在集聚、流動、連續、開放四個方面的“城市”意義,并解析了這些意義在城市設計層面的具體體現。

According to the lms criterion , steps for calculation implement is proposed . , and simulations on convergency and ber properties blind algorithm has been done . in addition , as a introduction of blind algorithm , subspace decomposition , minimum output energy ( moe ) 針對該檢測器,將最小均方算法( lms )應用于該檢測器,給出了算法實現的計算步驟,仿真了算法收斂特性及課碼性能,分析了自適應能力。

( 2 ) as the core city in wanjiang city belt , wuhu had the high comprehensive development level , but its predominance was not distinctness relative to other cities , and can not exert its convergency and radialization function 蕪湖作為皖江城鎮帶的核心城市,雖然綜合發展水平較高,但優勢不明顯,沒有起到核心城市應有的集聚和輻射功能。

The numerical simulations demonstrate the convergency within a wide region of this method to out - perform the conventional regularization gauss - newton method 通過與傳統的正則化高斯牛頓法相比較,顯示了小波多尺度法是一個大范圍收斂、能夠有效節省計算量的方法,數值模擬的結果也表明了方法的有效性。

After clarifying some basic concepts , the author points out that urban identity is being demolished by polynary convergency trend in the current global network society 主觀性特征及其與地域性概念的異同,并從全球化的社會變革出發,指出了網絡社會中城市特色的多元化趨同趨勢

A lot of simulation results show that the sofia has the high convergency rate , accuracy and good stability . it can be conveniently applied to engineering practice 大量的仿真結果表明該算法具有收斂速度快、辨識精度高、穩定性好,便于工程應用。

Uniform convergency in the series of complex interal - valued function and complex fuzzy - valued function 復區間值函數與復模糊值函數級數的一致收斂性

Promoting the convergency of industries , enhancing the development level of economy in hubei ' s county areas 湖北省農業經濟的梯度定位及其戰略選擇