
converge vi.1.會聚,集中(于一點或一處);輻輳。2.【物、數...


Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 上千名反戰人士今天在華盛頓聚集。

Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge 我們原來相互對立的觀點開始趨於一致

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 數千名反戰人士今日相聚在華盛頓。

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 今日上千名反戰人士聚集在華盛頓。

Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge 我們原來相互對立的觀點開始趨于一致

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 今天,成千的反戰人士齊聚華盛頓。

Ims converges mobile and fixed networks 的固定和移動業務網絡融合研究

Thousands of war protectors converged on washington today 上千名反戰者今天在華盛頓集會。

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 今天上千名反戰者聚集在華盛頓。

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 數千名反戰者今天在華盛頓集會。

Thousands of war protestors converged on washington today 今天成千反戰人員聚集在華盛頓。

A number of small streams converge into a vast ocean 涓涓之流,匯成大海

Stop your climbing now , due to converging traffic of bh 停止上升,因在bh有匯合飛行。

The roads converge just before the station 四面八方的道路會聚在火車站前。

And all the senses converge into one part of the body 所有的感覺都匯聚一點

The subway lines , they all converge right around here 在地鐵線里它們全集中于這兒

In time , our views and our efforts converged 我們的觀點和努力遲早要達成一致

5252 converging incline press - converging path of motion 5252聚合式上斜推胸練習器

Our paths should converge in less than four days 我們在4天之內就可以跟它匯合