
conventual adj.1.女修道院(似)的。2.〔C-〕圣芳濟會修士(...


The meal was passed in commonplace talk of what he had been doing during the morning at the abbey mill , of the methods of bolting and the old - fashioned machinery , which he feared would not enlighten him greatly on modern improved methods , some of it seeming to have been in use ever since the days it ground for the monks in the adjoining conventual buildings - now a heap of ruins 在吃飯的時候,他談一些普通的話題,如早上他在寺廟的磨坊做些什么呀,上螺栓的方法和老式的機械等,他還說他擔心在先進的現代方法面前,那些機械不會給他太多的啟發,因為有些機械似乎是當年給隔壁寺廟的和尚磨面的時候就開始使用了,而那座寺廟現在已經變成一堆瓦礫。

From 1755 to 1768 , the conventual area was rebuilt in baroque style 修道院社區于公元1755年- 1768年按巴羅克式的風格重建。

In the conventual buildings attached to this church are the state archives of venice . 在這教堂附屬的修道院里,放著威尼斯的政府檔案。