
conventioneer n.到會者;〔美國〕(代表大會的)出席代表。


Before it came out , people wanted to meet by distance only using conference phone technology , and conventioneer could only listen to each other not see each other 在這種模式出現以前,如果人們要實現異地開會,只能利用會議電話技術,參會人員彼此只能聽到聲音。

You start your slide show , entertaining the conventioneers , informing them with words and pictures and sounds 這時,您可以啟動幻燈片放映,并和與會者一起分享,通過講話、圖片和聲音效果向他們傳達信息。

This conventioneer took to the frontier theme quickly , warming his hands over one of the “ fires “ in the hall 這國際扶輪年會與會者迅速探索至新領域的論題,并在大廳里其中一個?爐來讓他的手取暖。

The conventioneers filled two hotels , each with an infinite number of rooms 與會人員被安排在兩個酒店里,每個酒店都有無限個房間。