
conventionalize vt.使照慣例,使習俗化,使按傳統形式。 convent...


Following this analytical framework , we conducted an investigation into the explicit and conventionalized legal speech acts as used in english legislative discourses in terms of their functions , realization , distribution and frequency . the general pragmatic principles of forensic communication and the features of legal discourses are also discussed in this paper . directed by professor mao junchun 文章首先簡要地討論了法律語言的一般語用原則、特點和與法律言語行為有關的理論,然后分析了法律言語行為的功能、分類,最后分析了法律言語行為在英語立法語篇中的實施情況以及各類言語行為的分類和分布。

As mothers increasingly relied on vocalization to control the emotions of their babies ? and , later , the actions of their mobile juveniles ? words precipitated out of the babble and became conventionalized across hominid communities , ultimately giving rise to language 等到媽媽越來越依賴聲音控制嬰兒的情緒,連好動的青少年都以這種方式控制,語詞就從滴里嘟嚕的兒語中凝結出來,成為社群里約定俗成的話,促成語言演化。

Based upon previous studies on speech acts and legal speech acts by austin ( 1962 ) , searle ( 1975 ) , and trosborg ( 1995 ) , legal speech acts are classified into three types : explicit , conventionalized and implicit 本文還提出,可以根據其中施為動詞的有無、施為用意的強弱把法律言語行為劃分為顯性、規約性和隱性三大類。

The “ charming “ course of conventionalizing . 3 . the certainty of man ' s subjective position 2世俗化的“祛魅”過程, 3人的主體地位的確立。

She said , with the conventionalized sweetness suitable 康妮在這種情境中路著那人之常情的溫情說道。

What are the native qualities and characteristics upon which the moral or immoral character accepted and conventionalized by the group are based ? 已經被群體公認的并因襲的那些道德的與不道德的本性,各出自哪幾種先天的素質?

He refused to have his portrait conventionalized into the customary smooth beauty of the pharaoh god . 他不讓他的畫像具有慣例的法老神的那種傳統的溫和的美。

It was rigid in its patterns, utterly conventionalized in its dress . 它格調呆板,服飾極端守舊。