
conventionality n.1.因襲(性)。2.傳統;常套;慣例,習俗。


And if god had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth , i should have made it as hard for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you . i am not talking to you now through the medium of custom , conventionalities , nor even of mortal flesh ; - it is my spirit that addresses your spirit ; just as if both had passed through the grave , and we stood at god s feet , equal , - as we are 要是上帝賜予我一點姿色和充足的財富,我會使你同我現在一樣難分難舍,我不是根據習俗常規,甚至也不是血肉之軀同你說話,而是我的靈魂同你的靈魂在對話,就仿佛我們兩人穿過墳墓,站在上帝腳下,彼此平等本來就如此! ”

If god had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth , i should have made it as hard for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you . i am not talking to you now through the medium of custom , conventionalities , nor even of mortal flesh : it is my spirit that addresses your spirit 曾經有過短暫的婚史,因一方的出國而使婚姻破裂,沒有孩子.這段經歷使我成熟,更家體會到生活的真諦,相信過去是一筆財富,它會使我在以后的生活中做的更好.假如我是千里馬,那就需要你這個伯樂來發現.希望你真誠,善良,心胸寬廣.不求你的地位有多高,物質有多豐富,只求我們心心相應,在未來的日子里共同體會人生的酸甜苦辣

I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom , conventionalities , nor even of mortal flesh ; - it is my spirit that addresses your spirit ; just as if both had passed through the grave , and we stood at god ' s feet , equal , - as we are ! 要是上帝賜予我一點姿色和充足的財富,我會使你同我現在一樣難分難舍,我不是根據習俗、常規,甚至也不是血肉之軀同你說話,而是我的靈魂同你的靈魂在對話,就仿佛我們兩人穿過墳墓,站在上帝腳下,彼此平等? ?本來就如此! ”

With all his attempted independence of judgment this advanced and well meaning young man , a sample product of the last five - and - twenty years , was yet the slave to custom and conventionality when surprised back into his early teachings 這個具有先進思想和善良用心的青年,一直想把自己從偏見中解脫出來,是最近二十五年里產生出來的一個典型,但是當他遭到意外事故打擊的時候,就又退回去接受了自幼以來所接受的教訓,做了傳統和習俗的奴隸。

… i am not talking to you now through the medium of custom , conventionalities , nor even of moral flesh : it is my spirit that addresses your spirit ; just as if both had passed through the grace , and we stood at god ' s feet , equal ? as we are 我現在跟你說話,并不是通過習俗、慣例,甚至不是通過凡人的肉體, ? ?而是我的精神在同你的精神談話;就像兩個都經過了墳墓,我們站在上帝腳跟前是平等的, ? ?因為我們是平等的! ”

To interpret liang ’ s law thoughts , one should first get rid off the conventionality of ideas and logic in law thoughts , for example , to interpret from historical and cultural point of view , or to destruct at the level of life and feelings 對梁漱溟法治思想的解讀,首先需要跳出法治思想常規的概念及其通行的邏輯,譬如從歷史、從文化的角度來解讀,又或者從人生、從人心的層面來解構。

Chapter 3 discusses the conventionality thesis that is about the conception that law is some kinds social fact , which based on hart ' s conventionalism turn . but , positivists disagreed on the nature of convention 第三章同樣是以德沃金對于社會事實命題的批判為先導,通過哈特的慣習主義轉向,明確慣習命題在實證主義理論中所處的地位。

The conventionality thesis emphasizes law ' s conventional nature , claiming that the social facts giving rise to legal validity are authoritative in virtue of some kind of social convention 因襲命題強調了法律的因襲性這一本質,這一觀點認為,借助于某種社會慣例,社會事實取得了權威性,而正是這些社會事實賦予法律以效力。

Opposed to all forms of naturalism is legal positivism , which is roughly constituted by three theoretical commitments : the social fact thesis , the conventionality thesis , and the separability thesis 與一切自然主義相對立的是法律實證主義,它大致上由三個理論命題組成:事實命題,因襲命題,分離命題。

To take the most important item of socialization , language appears to the child as inherent in the nature of things , and he cannot grasp the notion of its conventionality 舉例最重要的社會化項目來說,語言似乎對孩子而言是如自然事物般固有的,且他不能了解這個想法的傳統。

To take the most important item of socialization , language appears to the child as inherent in the nature of things , and he cannot grasp the notion of conventionality 社會化最重要的項目就是語言,語言呈現給孩子的,是與固有天性一致的,并且他不能用慣例來理解觀念。

For three months past she had been keeping him dangling after her while she affected conventionality in order the further to inflame him . well , well 她已經讓他等了整整三個月,她裝出一副循規蹈矩的女子的樣子,目的是讓他的欲火燃得更旺一些。

Nowadays novelists aim at novelty either in subject or in style , instead of following the beaten path of conventionality 如今,小說家們的創作目標不是力求題材上的新穎,就是力求風格上的標新立異,而不是因循守舊、墨守成規。

Perhaps i had too rashly overleaped conventionalities ; and he , like st . john , saw impropriety in my inconsiderateness 也許我提議陪伴他,幫助他是自作多情也許我太輕率了超越了習俗。而他像圣

Her unsophisticated open - air existence required no varnish of conventionality to make it palatable to him 她那種天真純樸的自然本色,無需習俗的粉飾,就能讓他喜歡。

She did for a long while see confucianism in terms of submissiveness , obedience , and conventionality 她曾一度視儒家思想為一種屈服順從和堅守傳統的思想。

Conventionality is not morality . self - righteousness is not religion 習俗不不等于道德,自以為是也不是宗教。

On faust ' conventionality and modernity 的傳統性和現代性

On the non - conventionality of economic law study 我國罪數理論之基本問題研究