
conventional wisdom 公眾意見;普遍的看法。


Although there are differences in each of these practices , there are also similarities : they each describe variations from the conventional wisdom about how to approach software development 盡管這些實踐中存在著差異,但是它們中也有相似的地方:它們都描述了與傳統軟件開發不同的方法。

The conventional wisdom for whether to declare an exception as checked or unchecked is summarized in the following excerpt of “ the java tutorial “ from sun see 在下面的來自sun的“ the java tutorial ”的摘錄中,總結了關于將一個異常聲明為檢查型還是非檢查型的傳統觀點(更多的信息請參閱

The conventional wisdom that emotions can make you irrational has less to do with how intense your feelings are than with how much you understand them , the study showed 研究表明, “情感會讓人喪失理智”這個傳統的至理名言更多得是與個人對情感的理解能力有關,而不在于情感有多強烈。

The prevailing needs in this industry and others like it belie the conventional wisdom about web services and the role of tightly - coupled middleware in real - world xml developments 在該行業和其他類似行業中盛行的需求,掩蓋了對web服務和緊耦合中間件在實際xml開發中的作用的常識。

The conventional wisdom is to simply transfer - list a player and wait for clubs to announce an interest within the player , dropping his asking price if clubs appear to be backward in coming forward 傳統的方法是你將球員掛牌然后等感興趣的俱樂部開價,駁回那些越開越低的報價。

Financial markets will be disturbed as conventional wisdom adjusts from an assumption of 3 - 3 . 5 % potential output growth , and investors downgrade their expectations 人們通常會以3 - 3 . 5 %的潛在產出增長為標準進行調整,如此一來,金融市場將會受到擾動,投資者也會調低他們的預期。

The conventional wisdom that emotions can make you irrational has less to do with how intense your feelings are than with how much you understand them , the study showed 研究表明, “情感會讓人喪失理智”這個傳統的至理名言與個人對事物的理解能力有關,而不在于情感有多強烈。

Conventional wisdom in health communications has been to provide accurate information and messages focused on disease prevention , rather like post dropped in the mail box 健康傳播的傳統觀念一直是著重于提供正確的疾病預防信息和消息,而非像是任意投擲在信箱里的郵件。

Having taken part in many of these discussions , i sense the emergence of a new conventional wisdom that could , at the risk of over - simplification , be described as follows 我參與了多次有關討論,發覺這些論壇正冒起一種嶄新的傳統智慧。這種新論調可以歸納為以下幾點:

It was once the conventional wisdom that lynchings in the american south were more common whenever cotton prices were low , indicating tough times for the economy “每當棉花價格走低(顯示經濟陷入困難時期)的時候,美國南部的私刑就會更常見” ,這曾經是人們的常識。

The story on trade and jobs , in my judgment , is a bit more complex , especially with respect to china , than this strain of conventional wisdom would lead one to believe 但格林斯潘認為: “在我看來,貿易和就業問題比這更復雜一些,涉及中國的問題尤其如此。 ”

One experimental group has made a case for phonons to be the cause of the kink ? a result that would upset the conventional wisdom about unconventional superconductors 一個實驗小組提出證據,認為彎折是由聲子造成的,這個結果會顛覆傳統上對于非傳統超導體的想法。

The conventional wisdom is that , for better or worse , trade unionism is in irreversible long - term decline , at least in the world ' s leading economies 不論好壞,傳統觀點普遍認為工團主義江河日下,終將消亡,且這一趨勢不可逆轉,至少在世界經濟強國中是這種情況。

Conventional wisdom has it that america ' s economy is coping much better than europe ' s with competition from emerging economies , thanks to its flexible labour and product markets 傳統的看法是美國,得益于其靈活的勞動力和產品市場,比歐洲國家更適應新興經濟。

I am with you on that . as some of those conventional wisdom goes , your attitude determines your altitude . what do you think “現在算是明白一個真理:剛開始要有出生牛犢不怕虎的精神大膽學,但是達到一個層次以后就要定心學,才可能有提高。用四個字總結:天道酬勤。

Tgp : that ' s almost the opposite of the conventional wisdom , in which new photographers are told to get a manual camera , learn how the shutter and aperture work etc 記者:這跟傳統的觀點完全不同,傳統的觀點總是要求初學者使用手動相機,學習快門和光圈等知識。

Conventional wisdom suggests these countries should simply adopt high - quality accounting standards and high - quality reporting and disclosure will follow 以往的經驗認為,這些國家只需采納高質量的會計準則,就能確保企業財務報告和財務狀況披露的質量。

Conventional wisdom suggests that developers who specialize in a particular area , such as databases or guis , should apply their efforts solely to those areas 按慣例權威們建議開發者的專長用于特定的領域,比如數據庫或者界面,會更加專心致志。

These facts do not square with conventional wisdom . our obsession with monetary policy in the conduct of the real economy is misplaced 這些俗套的看法和上述提到的事實很不符合。我們沉迷研究在現實經濟指導下的貨幣政策,實在是搞錯了對象。